"dosemu -w" works, there must be other problem.
Running xdosemu from xterm or other X terminal produces any errors?
Have You compiled in X support?
Are some error messages in "~/.dosemu/boot.log" ?

You may also download and tried my working Fedora 7, 6 and 5 .spec files
or RPM packages from my website at:


(RPM packages includes patches from dosemu svn repo)

Regards, Frantisek Hanzlik

== Luční 502          Linux/Unix/Novell/Inter-/Net     Tel: +420-373729699 ==
== 33209 Štěnovice     e-mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED]       Fax: +420-373729699 ==
== Czech Republic          http://hanzlici.cz/         GSM: +420-604117319 ==

Roberto Bechtlufft wrote:
Man, it's been weeks since I posted this and only now I'm coming back,
forgive me... anyway, I tried xdosemu -w before, but all I get under
Fedora is a blank xdosemu screen. I don't know why but it doesn't work
for me. The same happens when I change the value of $_X_fullscreen.

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