Neil Brown wrote:

>    1/ you didn't say how fast your SCSI buss is.  I guess if it is
>    reasonably new it would be at least 80Mb/sec which should allow 
>    500 * 64K/s but it wouldn't have to be too old to not allow that,
>    and I don't like to assume things that aren't stated.

I should of specified that I am using ULTRA160...

>    2/ You could be being slowed down by the stripe cache - it only
>    allows 256 concurrent 4k access.   Try increasing NR_STRIPES at the
>    top of drivers/md/raid5.c - say to 2048.  See if that makes a
>    difference.

This doesn't make any difference for 10 processes. I will increase the 
process number to see what happens.

>    3/ Also, try applying
>    This patch speeds up large sequential reads, at a possible small cost
>    to random read-modify-writes (I haven't measured any problems, but
>    haven't had the time to explore the performance thoroughly).
>    What it does is read directly into the filesystems buffer instead
>    of into the stripe cache and then memcpy into the filesys buffer.

Haven't tried this yet, when I do I will check the performance difference.

>    4/ I'm assuming you are doing direct IO to /dev/md0.
>    Try making a mounting a filesystem of /dev/md0 first. This will
>    switch the device blocksize to 4K (if you have a 4k block size
>    filesystem).  The larger block size improves performance
>    substantially.   I always do I/O tests to a filesystem, not to the
>    block device, because it makes a difference and it is a filesystem
>    that I want to use (though I realise that you may not).

You are a legend. This did it!!! I am now getting the expected 500 
random reads per second of 64K block data segments!!!

If you are ever up on the Gold Coast, give me a call, and I will buy you 
a beer, or two, or three....

I am just really happy...:))))))))


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