Just curious if anyone is working on upstream DTS for the odroid-xu3?

It's booting fine with mainline using exynos5420-smdk5420.dts, but would
like to see more devices added.

I found the DTS files in the hardkernel v3.10.y branch which can be used
as a starting point, but wanted to know if anyone else is working on it
before duplicating effort.

In particular, one of the first bits I'm trying to add are the nodes for
the on-board INA231 voltage/current sensors that are hanging of i2c_0.
I just stole the driver and DTS snippet[1] from the hardkernel tree and
tried it with mainline, and can get the driver to probe, but it fails
the first I2C write, suggesting that I'm missing something else in the
DTS, which leads me to this posting.


diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420-smdk5420.dts 
index d789a2361612..9d629377869e 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420-smdk5420.dts
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/exynos5420-smdk5420.dts
@@ -31,6 +31,62 @@
+    /* i2c0 INA231 Sensors */
+    /*
+        - include/linux/platform_data/ina231.h
+        config         = INA231_CONFIG(VSH_CT(eVSH_CT_8244uS)      | \
+                                        VBUS_CT(eVBUS_CT_8244uS)   | \
+                                        AVG_BIT(eAVG_16)           | \
+                                        eSHUNT_BUS_VOLT_CONTINUOUS),
+        update_period  = CONVERSION_DELAY(eVSH_CON_8244uS, eVBUS_CON_8244uS, 
eAVG_CON_16),   // unit = usec
+    */
+       i2c@12C60000 {
+               status = "okay";
+        clock-frequency = <400000>;
+        ina231@40  {
+                       compatible = "hardkernel,INA231";
+                       reg = <0x40>;
+               sensor-name = "sensor_arm";
+               enable = <1>;
+               max_A = <9>;
+               shunt_R_mohm = <10>;
+               config = <0x45FF>;
+               update_period = <263808>;
+        };
+        ina231@41  {
+                       compatible = "hardkernel,INA231";
+                       reg = <0x41>;
+               sensor-name = "sensor_mem";
+               enable = <0>;
+               max_A = <3>;
+               shunt_R_mohm = <10>;
+               config = <0x45FF>;
+               update_period = <263808>;
+        };
+        ina231@44  {
+                       compatible = "hardkernel,INA231";
+                       reg = <0x44>;
+               sensor-name = "sensor_g3d";
+               enable = <0>;
+               max_A = <5>;
+               shunt_R_mohm = <10>;
+               config = <0x45FF>;
+               update_period = <263808>;
+        };
+        ina231@45  {
+                       compatible = "hardkernel,INA231";
+                       reg = <0x45>;
+               sensor-name = "sensor_kfc";
+               enable = <0>;
+               max_A = <2>;
+               shunt_R_mohm = <10>;
+               config = <0x45FF>;
+               update_period = <263808>;
+        };
+       };
        regulators {
                compatible = "simple-bus";
                #address-cells = <1>;
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