Your Urgent Attention Please.

Dear. I got your contact through yahoo tourist search when I was
searching for a foreign partner, although I don't now if you can keep
this transaction personally secret till you get it into you bank
account Well I have a deal worth 5.5m$ from the dormant account in the
bank where I am working,

However the fund belong to one Mr J. korovo he died years ago through
aeroplane crash with his entire family, Please if you can keep this
secret I will give you more details of this transaction,

No risk involve, hence I work in the same bank, for the expenses will
be in my side not you, till you confirm the fund in to you bank
account, I will take care of expenses. Contact me for more details
here is my private phone No +226 64424661,

I will send you my ID. As soon as I hear from you with your full name,
phone No, Receiver Country, Occupation, thanks for your understand
please contact me base if you can control this fund once it transfer
into your account before my family and I will arrive from Burkina to
your country for the sharing 40% for you. 10% for the poorest, then
rest is for me,

This is my private Email Address ( )get back
to me so that I can check you mail and give you the details of this
transaction, waiting to hear from you soon.

>From Dr Rhama.
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