Something I want (eventually) to see between steps 2 & 4 is
notifying the hcd to clear each endpoint's configuration data.
That state is known to hardware (OHCI and EHCI) so changing it
needs hardware synchronization.

Interesting. Could you point me at the code in question?

The 2.4 OHCI code has it in sohci_free_dev(), which is where it's always been but let's not restart that flamewar.

The "hcd" style drivers have that in the free_config() code.
But again, usbcore doesn't call that at the right places,
so there are problems.

The same problem comes up with (re)setting an interface to
some altsetting.  There's no probe/disconnect relevant there
since the interface doesn't go away, but the hardware does
need to clear out its state.

How about usb_reset_device() ?

That needs to clear out the same kind of state as changing a configuration, yes.

To do so it seems to me, we need another entry in the bus
operations. What do you think?

Yes, I agree. I think a blocking "clear_state(dev,endpoint)" would be the simplest solution all around. Call it for each endpoint in the interface, or configuration, as needed.

- Dave


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