Scribbling feverishly on April 07, Bill Campbell managed to emit:

[tale of woe deleted]

> Actually it's a problem with the DISPLAY variable.  For some
> reason which I've never been able to understand, starting X
> sometimes wants to use DISPLAY=:0.0 which isn't allowed by the
> default configuration.  The attached xserverrc from one of our
> Caldera systems has one extra line after the ``done'' statement
> to make it work.  This file, /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc, is not
> defined by default in Caldera 3.1* systems, and requires some
> fiddling of other startup scripts to have them recognize it.

As I wrote in my other message, hacking on this didn't fix it.
I ended up extracting the orignal /etc/X11/xdm files from the
Slackware tarball (x1.tgz) and copying them over the post-upgrade
contents, and everything worked a charm. XDM now works and I've
learned to back up /etc/X11 before an upgrade. ;-)

[more deletia]

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