Hi Chris & Others,

I think these may be useful when formatted with FAT32 and maybe on a USB2 to PATA adapter. I have tried on many occasions to get various livecd distributions to work on various hard drives. They always seem to require FAT32, and frequently fail due to some other factor (I'm guessing the USB-PATA bridge). Perhaps the lower CHS count on these drives may improve compatibility? Have seen W98SE2 running on an 80Gb drive myself. I also suspect there is some extension to FAT32 used by default at least in windoze that would seem to create incompatibilities with creating bootable live CD distros.

Hopefully someone else on the mailing list will be able to give better advice...

In any case, I could do with a few of these myself, to upgrade some legacy systems.



On 16/08/2015 12:35, Chris Hellyar wrote:
Anyone got an use for small (by current standards) Parallel ATA drives?

3.5" jobs..

If anyone's interested I'll get a list of em sorted, I just went through the pile-o-drives and saw some a few and haven't done anything with em yet. ;-)

Cheers, Chris H.
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