On Wed 30 Aug 2017 19:36:01 NZST +1200, criggie wrote:

> Not a problem - it sits there doing little.  My current home project
> is to build more VMs and replace two elderly servers.

What do you use for VMs?

> Long term was going to redeploy one of the physical servers as a big
> NAS with all the freed up drives as a lower tier storage than the
> iscsi box.

I'm not a fan of bought NAS boxes. Rolling one's own, what network fs do
you use? Compatibility with certain other OSes is not required (they can
be compatible themselves for a change if they want).

> Finally have just bought some Ubiquiti APs - they'll be going in
> this weekend.  The controller software looks good.

Have heard a few people rave about them, but they can't be configured
without proprietory software. How does that look in practice, and what
foundations does it need to run? Basically, I pay at most $00.00 for
hardware that needs otherOS, and I'm iffy about being required to run
wine etc for critical infrastructure. The argument "but you only need to
run it once when you configure it" is ... lacking.

> This list's been fairly quiet lately - what are other people doing
> in their networks ?

Played with ARM-based SBCs for small servers, but am unimpressed. They
may have wifi, HDMI, lalala, but not even non-USB Ethernet or a SATA
interface. Even if it's only internal I'd like timely security updates
for as long as I use the hardware. So, bottom line: HW is lacking, SW is


Volker Kuhlmann
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