On savait que SAP tourne sous

Ben voici des projets d'ERP
opensource :-)



     Achievo 0.5.4 (Development)       
  by Ivo Jansch - Monday, March 19th 2001 07:09 EST 

 Achievo is a Web-based project management and tracking tool
 for small- to medium-sized companies, aiming to become a fully
 featured ERP-like system within 1 year. Features include a time
 registration module with several statistical tools. Achievo is
 multi-language, fully customizable, and uses a modular system
 to allow future extensions. 

 Changes: This release includes security profiles, user
 preferences, customer administration, personal statistics,
 numerous bugfixes, a few enhancements to the backend, and
 rewriting of the old 0.4 code to fit the new backend. 

 License: GNU General Public License (GPL) - Release focus:
 Major feature enhancements




Qu'est-ce qu'un ERP ?

    « Ensemble d'applications permettant d'automatiser, à
    l'intérieur d'une entreprise, des tâches relatives aux
    ressources humaines, à la finance et à la production. » 


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