
I try to put my ROM address at 0xFFF00000, but
the script file gave me the following error:

Trying to create  ppc/mpc824x/ldscript.ld
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "/home/jfha/mpc8240/src/freebios-20010708/util/config/NLBConfig.py",
line 636, in ?
  File "/home/jfha/mpc8240/src/freebios-20010708/util/config/NLBConfig.py",
line 488, in writeldscript
    file.write('_ROMBASE        = 0x%lx;\n' % linuxbiosbase)
OverflowError: long int too long to convert

It seems to have a problem with this :

biosbase 0xFFF00100

 <<crt0.base>>  <<ldscript.base>>  <<make.base>> 
This number seems to big. My boot ROM is at 0xFFF00000. Do you have any
suggestions ?
If I put the ROM address at 0xFFF0000, then everthing compile until the
compile try to make the rom.


Jean-François Hammond
Software Designer

Mindready Solutions inc.
2800, avenue Marie-Curie
Saint-Laurent (Québec)  
Canada H4S 2C2
Tel. :  (1) 514-339-1394 ext. 2121
Fax. : (1) 514-339-1376


Attachment: crt0.base
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ldscript.base
Description: Binary data

Attachment: make.base
Description: Binary data

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