
I'm another lurker coming out of the woodworks.. ;-)

What I'd really like to see is for the Expo to provide a recruitment office (??) for people who are intrested in contributing to the community in any way. Although the response may be half-hearted or flame out after a while, I think what really needs to be driven in the public consciousness is the fact that *YOU* can contribute. I mean, most people view Free/OSS software as just something to use, written by some ultra-smart geeks you have no hope of matching. A lot of help can be used, especially in non-programming tasks like indian-language localization, distribution, general help, etc. I suspect that there also might be programmers who are searching for a idea/project to contribute to (I know I am) so we could provide some sort of exchange for that... considering the variety of people planning to attend, it could be really useful :-)

Although this may be OT and politically incorrect, I'd also like to put up a small *BSD booth at the Expo. I use and like FreeBSD also, and I personally feel it is a shame there's not enough public consciousness about them. I don't want to start a BSD vs Linux flamewar, just want to let people know they have have a choice in free OSes, too.

timing of the Expo: All us engg. students have exams in June/July, so it'd be ideal for it to be in Feb/March/April-start or even later in August, like someone pointed out.

- A.

If I have an apple, and give you the apple, I have no apples.
If I have an idea, and give it to you, we both have the idea.


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