Release notes

By Jonathan Corbet
February 21, 2010
Stable kernel update announcements posted on LWN have a certain tendency to be followed by complaints about the amount of information which is made available. It seems that there is a desire for a description of the changes which is more accessible than the patches themselves, and for attention to be drawn to the security-relevant fixes. As an exercise in determining what kind of effort is being asked of the kernel maintainers, your editor decided to make a pass through the proposed update and attempt to describe the impact of each of the changes - all 93 of them. The results can be found below.

Disclaimers: there is no way to review 93 patches in a finite time and fully understand each of them. So there are probably certainly errors in what follows. The simple truth of the matter is that it is very hard to say which fixes have security implications; a determined attacker can find a way to exploit some very obscure bugs.

Your editor would also like to discourage anybody from thinking that this will become a regular LWN feature. The amount of work required is considerable; it's not something we're able to commit to doing for every release.

That said, here's a look at what's in this update.

Security-related fixes

Other bug fixes


#81: rtl8187: Add new device ID. Recognize another device ID.

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