On Sun, Jul 04, 2021 at 08:45:05AM +0000, Ariel Almog wrote:
> We are mostly interested in Annex P implementation and in particular
> authentication TLV in high priority and ipsec.
> Can you share some information on current status, demand, and future plans?

I took a close look at the new security features, and I did develop an
idea of both how to implement them and the effort involved.

However, I have no immediate plans to work on this.  Perhaps somebody
else does...

In any case, before there can be any talk of implementaion, there is a
big open question on the 16.14 security mechanism.  There are two

1. Immediate security processing

2. Delayed security processing ( optional disclosedKey)

#1 makes sense, but #2 does not make any sense at all.  At least, I
can't see how to use #2 in any practical way.

I know how to implement #1, but I have doubts about #2.  I think #2,
as described in the standard, is totally useless.

In the example in the standard, the disclosedKey arrives once per day.
The question is, what does a client do when the disclosedKey
invalidates the previously received messages?  AFAICT, the client
would be hopelessly lost.  After all, you cannot simply "undo" 24
hours worth of synchronization.


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