I added a link to a "Best Practices" page on the site's sidebar that had
been built up a couple weeks ago but never actually liked to.

Anything you or anyone else think should be documented in there can be.

To answer some of your questions that I don't think are on the best
practices page currently:
- You can't put your (main) create database statement in your changelog
file because liquibase needs a database in which to save its
databasechangelog table in.  It would be fine to create database
statements for other databases, but you need to have at least one
existing before liquibase can run

- Creating users is fine in liqubase, but you do need to have one
pre-existing to connect to the database with for liquibase to read the
databasechangelog file for

- In general, I think that all database changes that you can do should
be stored in your changelog files so they will be applied to all
databases.  Permissions, datatabases, and users have some limitations
due to liqubase bootstrapping issues, but they should be included if

Liquibase does run fine off existing tables. It is best if you have a
standard or set schema to start working from, but there are many
features available to make the transition easier (generateChangeLog
command, diff commands, tableExists precondition, etc).

Let us know if you have any other questions.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joelle Tegwen [mailto:tegwe...@umn.edu] 
Sent: Monday, February 02, 2009 11:58 AM
To: liquibase-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Liquibase-user] Conventions

This is not really a how to question but more of a should I question.

Do you put your create database, create users, set permissions in the 
configuration files? Is this a "best practice"?

If you do:
Do you then create a separate changeset.properties and changeset.xml for

those specific items?
How does liquibase work with existing tables in them? Are there any side

effects to beware of?
Is there anything I'm missing here?

I love this product BTW. I'm not a database person primarily and 
managing the differences between 3 servers has really been a major 
source of problems and headaches for me. This is a sanity saver. :)

My only wish is that I had found this earlier when I was searching on 
database version control. For some reason you don't come up on google.


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