For those of you who visit us on #epic on EFNet (what, you don't hang out
on #epic on EFNet?  Why not?  That or -- come visit us!)
know that EPIC development has resumed and we are working towards an 
eventual release of epic4-1.1.1, which will be the first beta release which
will eventually culminate in epic4-1.2.0.

One of the things that I included this weekend was adding back the translation
support from ircII that i took out at the beginning of EPIC4.  I added it 
back because of legitimite technical needs, primarily from users in russia,
who need it to interface their Cyrillic terminal emulators with the always
ubiquitous Latin-1 irc server.  Others may find this stuff useful as well,
but it was specifically for Russian users that I added this back.

ircII implemented translation stuff on the *output* side of the equation
(ie, stuff was translated before it was sent to the screen, and was
translated when you pressed keys).  After careful evaluation of this setup,
it struck me that this was not the most helpful form for translation.

Since it was explained to me that the purpose of translation is to translate
the user's character to and from the server's character set, then it does not
make sense for the client to translate from the user's character set to the
server's character set and then display the server's character set onto the
user's screen.  Unless I'm misunderstanding people, this strikes me as not
very helpful for the user.

So what I have done here is implement translation as additional filtering
that happens to input/output from the servers.  EPIC will continue to work
with the user in the user's chosen character set, but before sending anything
to the server, will use the current translation to transform the user's
input to the server's character set.  Conversely, the first thing that EPIC
will do upon receiving input from the server is to translate it from the 
server's character set to the user's character set, and then everything 
will continue from the users's character set.

If I have misunderstood this, please let me know.  Testing, advice, and
feedback will be greatly appreciated.  This feature is not for my benefit,
it is for you, the users, and if I have goofed, I need to know so I can 
fix it quickly.

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