There is an unexpected problem with rsync on pfsense 2.2.4:

  rsync -auvAHRi pfsense:'{/root,/etc}' dir -n
rsync: link_stat "/root/{/root,/etc}" failed: No such file or directory (2)

  rsync -auvAHRi pfsense:'/{root,etc}' dir -n
rsync: link_stat "/{root,etc}" failed: No such file or directory (2)

Logging in as user root on pfsense.

It occurs with both 
  rsync  version 3.1.1  protocol version 31
  rsync  version 3.1.0  protocol version 31
on the client side.

I can't find anything in the rsync docs that says this should not work.
On pfsense in root's tcsh this works:

  ls -d /{root,etc}
  /etc    /root

There is a workaround with newer rsyncs, but what is the cause of this
not owrking on pfsense (works on Linux)?



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