On Fri, 2014-06-13 at 18:13 +0100, Brian Candler wrote:
> On 12/06/2014 23:06, Jon Gerdes wrote:
> > My new ISP only provides a /29 from which WAN always gets the first one
> > via PPPoE.
> >
> > I put the second address from the /29 onto an interface and the
> > remaining four onto my externally facing systems.
> You should be able to use the same IP address for both WAN and LAN 
> (Cisco calls this 'unnumbered': your PPP interface is using the IP 
> address from another interface)
> = WAN interface of firewall
> = LAN interface of firewall
> = other devices
> This saves the provider burning a /32 for the WAN (or even a /30 
> point-to-point subnet, old skool)
> Regards,
> Brian.


Thanks for giving me the technical term and after some Googling, several
systems support unnumbered interfaces but it seems not pfSense out of
the box, unless I am missing something.

I can't see a way of getting WAN to come up without an address and
setting LAN as in your example does not work - you get the quite
reasonable error "address in use".

I am pretty happy with losing one address to get this working but I
might submit a feature request for this unless someone can point me into
how to do it.  Even OpenWRT can do this:
http://patchwork.openwrt.org/patch/4181/ (good description, links and
code there)

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