Re: [pfSense] Status - Traffic Shaper - Queues

2015-09-24 Thread compdoc
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[pfSense] Status - Traffic Shaper - Queues

2015-09-24 Thread Olivier Mascia
This message never made it to the list (at least I have not received the echo, 
so do I think.)
I'm retransmitting without the small screen captures and without OpenPGP 
signature, as I suppose attachments of any kind blocked the message from 
I apologize in advance if this will lead to a double post.

Dear all,

This is a request for enhancements in the GUI, unless discussion uncovers 
errors on my own side.
I can't easily make a sense of the "Status - Traffic Shaper - Queues" page, and 
I think that goes against the whole concept behind pfSense. :)

First issue is about interval over which the values displayed are computed.  
I'm more than OK with "Queue graphs take 5 seconds to sample data".  But then, 
*what* are those displayed data?  Are they limited to the last 5 seconds?  Or 
are they a moving mean over some over period of time? What period?  I can't 
match what I see there with reality of some traffic.  Some added traffic does 
raise the counters (but slowly), dropping that same traffic only sees those 
counters decrease very slowly over time.  Could it be that the values displayed 
are means "since initial page load"?  Could it be changed to more instantaneous 
values? (means over 5 seconds, between page refreshes, is probably good 
enough).  Maybe a GUI checkbox to alternate between a "last 5 seconds sample" 
view and this accumulated view?

Second issue is linked with CBQ traffic shaper setting. No matter how I build 
my setup, through wizard or custom, I always end up with the Status: Traffic 
shaper: Queues page to show me a wrong / illogical value on the "Root queue" 
lines: it is always more or less (or close to) *twice* the sum of the queues 
behind the "Root".  It probably is a bug in the reporting of the data, cause 
again I can't make a sense of that doubled value.

Third issue is with values displayed first (after 5 seconds) when displaying 
the page.  Sometimes, not often, the values I see are hugely wrong and 
exaggerated.  I for instance can see WAN doing 150 Mbps and the LAN showing 540 
Mbps while the physical reality is that WAN is limited to 10 Mbps and LAN 70 
Mbps (on this VDSL2 connection).  If I wait for 1 minutes or more, the values 
go down rather slowly and finally settle to more or less meaningful values. 
Still with those comments from first and second issue above.

WAN (9 Mbps)
qVoip   (pri 7, 1 Mbps, can borrow)
qAck(pri 6, 2 Mbps, can borrow)
qHigher (pri 4, 3 Mbps, can borrow)
qDef(pri 2, 2 Mbps, can borrow)
qLower  (pri 1, 1 Mbps, can borrow)

Same concept, different Mbps, for LAN and OPT1.

Are these behaviors confirmed by other people?
(The doubling (more or less) on Root queue lines, I only have seen them with 
CBQ setups, as far as I remember.)

Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
Best Regards. Olivier Mascia,

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