
I've just come across the excellent tutorial videos of Mark Furneaux
<https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRDQEDxAVuxcsyeEoOpSoRA> on Youtube. I
did the DNS video where he covered unbound. There are a couple of things
I can't still workout and that are not in the pfSense book:

a) *DNS Query Forwarding* - what was the purpose of Mark covering
namebench to measure DNS performance (even going to the length of
filling int he results in the General Setup page) if the DNS servers you
put in this page are only used when you tick this feature? (which I
understand you shouldn't do anyway as its less secure ...?)

b) *OpenVPN Clients* - this seems to be a new option that wasn't covered
in Marks video. Nor is there reference to this in the pfSense book. Is
this the magic setting that forces DNS resolver to route DNS querries
through the VPN tunnel?**Although from the description in pfSense this
doesn't look like what I'm after.*

I'm still trying to understand why I get DNS leaks and I'm wondering
whether the resolver is getting the ISP DNS server from the modem and
then using it to resolve DNS queries. Is this possible? I think I need
to understand how to get the DNS resolver to pass the DNS requests
through the VPN tunnel when this is up but I just can't figure out how.

I look forward to hearing from you pfSense experts.



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