At our organisation we have a central LDAP database that contains 
administrative information.  For Unix purposes, it's only useful for 
PAM auth, as its schema does not contain the requisite Posix attributes 
required by Unix accounts.  Nevertheless, it is still very useful for 
password authentication because the 24/7 service our organisation 
provides for password reset and management can be leveraged when 
authenticating against this LDAP source.

On my FreeBSD and Linux servers, this means I can have the PAM auth 
component for services in pam.d work to do password authentication 
using the user's organisation password, yet all the account data still 
comes from local accounts on the system.  The upshot is that if the 
user forgets his or her password, they don't come to me, they go to the 
organisational 4HELP. :-)

Is it possible to use this kind of setup on pfSense 2?  It almost seems 
to work for me, but maybe I am doing something wrong.  The 
authentication part works, but, because there are no "Group" attributes 
in our central LDAP, the user seems to become a member of no groups 
when logging in.  This appears to throw pfSense for a loop. :-)

It would be nice if pfSense would fall back to Local Database 
attributes when LDAP doesn't provide them, or, maybe better still, if a 
new "blended" authentication method of "LDAP auth + Local Database 
Attributes" was available that used LDAP for auth but the Local 
Database for account information such as real name, groups, etc.

This latter approach is how applications such as Redmine use LDAP 


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