On 21-Nov-99, you wrote:

 a> I was complaining to Jeff that it is more `procedural' than
 a> `functional', though. If you take a look at the scripts that
 a> people write, and in particular the `functions' that they
 a> write, you will notice that the large majority of them work by
 a> modifying either their arguments or some global state
 a> variables (a `procedural' style). Very few of them are written
 a> to solely return a new value based on their arguments
 a> ('functional' style).

It think the reason is simple: most of use are accostumed to
procedural languages. Furthermore, when you are working on a big
series, copying may slow down the code a lot, and consume memory.

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| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC     \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
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