On 25-Dic-99, you wrote:

 j> Privately, I think of the set-word as a distinct entity which
 j> refers to its own word (something similar to the diagram
 j> below) but until I can experiment a bit more (or the REBOL
 j> gurus give us a peek into the magic cave!) I want to hold off
 j> committing too far. 

My model for binding/contexts is the following:

    {{context! * *}}
     ^         | `---------> <<... 1 ...>> ; values (simplified notation)
      \        |
       \       `-----------> <<... a ...>> ; words (simplified notation)
{{word! * *}}
        << #"a" >>

I pictured a context as a table with two columns, one for words
and one for values. This is mainly because objects (that are
can be seen as no more than contexts) present themselves in that

>> obj: make object! [
[    a: 1
[    b: 2
[    ]
>> first obj
== [self a b]
>> second obj
== [
    make object! [
        a: 1
        b: 2
    ] 1 2]

So, every word simply mantains a reference to a context (and
probably, for efficiency, directly to its value in that context
--- this could be proven in the previous version of REBOL), and
all the functions that modify the binding of a word simply change
that reference.

This has allowed me to explain almost every case I encountered in
REBOL so far; I hope it can be useful. I don't know how much
accurate it is.

o--------------------) .-^-. (----------------------------------o
| Gabriele Santilli / /_/_\_\ \ Amiga Group Italia --- L'Aquila |
| GIESSE on IRC     \ \-\_/-/ /  http://www.amyresource.it/AGI/ |
o--------------------) `-v-' (----------------------------------o

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