
I have been seeing the following message in my system log, being
repeated every 20-30 seconds:
kernel: arp: unknown hardware address format (0x0103)

The NIC with those errors has some wireless AP's connected to it.
After some searching I couldnt find any definite answer about the
message, is it a broken cable somewhere, is it a bug, can I ignore it,
can I get rid of the messages?

Hopefully to help the search I attach a tcpdump output with the exact
same timestamp as the message in the system log. Its not always the same
MAC address and they are always present when the error occurs.

Thank you!

(I X'ed out the last digits)
tcpdump -exxn -s 0 -i em1 arp
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on em1, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
14:59:01.171411 64:a7:69:42:XX:XX > ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff, ethertype ARP
(0x0806), length 60: [|ARP]
        0x0000:  0103 0002 6f8c 0f09 6a94 052c 8006 70fe  ....o...j..,..p.
        0x0010:  c0a8 0694 4a7d 848b cf1b 0050 b477 e721  ....J}.....P.w.!
        0x0020:  546a b0b4 5018 403d fb06 0000 5a0d       Tj..P.@=....Z.
        0x0000:  ffff ffff ffff 64a7 6942 XXXX 0806 0103
        0x0010:  0002 6f8c 0f09 6a94 052c 8006 70fe c0a8
        0x0020:  0694 4a7d 848b cf1b 0050 b477 e721 546a
        0x0030:  b0b4 5018 403d fb06 0000 5a0d
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