[REBOL] Antwort: How does one persist data? Re:(2)

2000-10-12 Thread kracik


I forgot to include some description how it should work. The guarded
file is not %lockdir/lock, but any other file - because read-only
accesses to the file don't need to be guarded, and would fail if the
guarded file is currently renamed. You should make a directory
%lockdir/ with an empty file %lock

then you should use:

something: read %my-guarded-file.txt
write %my-guarded-file.txt "something new"

If you want to only read from your file, you can use just
something: read %my-guarded-file.txt
print something

If I remember correctly, you must only guard one situation,
"read-modify-write", because two simultaneous reads do not interfere,
and two simultaneous writes are a logic error of your program.

obtain-semaphore function uses loop and random wait interval to have a
better chance of succeeding if several processes run it simultaneously.
release-semaphore function should be simpler, loop is not necessary:

release-semaphore: func [] [
if not error? try [ rename %lockdir/lock.locked %lock ] [
print "Could not release semaphore"

Michal Kracik

> Thank you Mr. Kracik!
> If only I undersatood completely whats going on in the script. Please
> correct me if I´m wrong:
> 1.Files in use are flagged with "semaphore"
> 2. The files in use are renamed as "%lock.locked"
> The script loops, continues to "Try" to rename, if it encounters an error
> then it "waits". Wonßt I get an error anyway if the file is directly
> renamed when I CGI script user requests a file?
> Excuse my newbie question
> Best regards
> Sharriff Aina
> med.iq information & quality in healthcare AG
> Gutenbergstr. 42
>  Kopie:
> 11.10.00 Thema:  [REBOL] How does one persist data? 
> 21:56
> Bitte
> antworten an
> list
> Hi Sharriff,
> be careful when saving to a file and reading it later, as many users
> may run your CGI programs simultaneously. You should use some form of
> inter-process synchronization to serialize access to your file. AFAIK
> from REBOL you can reliably synchronize by opening TCP sockets or
> renaming a file. I use these two functions:
> obtain-semaphore: func [] [
> loop 100 [
> if not error? try [ rename %lockdir/lock %lock.locked ] [
> return
> ]
> wait ( random 5 ) / 10
> ]
> print "Could not obtain semaphore"
> quit
> ]
> release-semaphore: func [] [
> loop 100 [
> if not error? try [ rename %lockdir/lock.locked %lock ] [
> return
> ]
> wait ( random 5 ) / 10
> ]
> print "Could not release semaphore"
> quit
> ]
> --
> Michal Kracik
> >
> > Does anyone have a soultion of persisting data across HTML pages? I want
> > data submitted through a CGI from a HTML form to be usable in other
> pages.
> >
> > Many thanks for the anticipated help guys
> >
> > Sharriff Aina
> > med.iq information & quality in healthcare AG

[REBOL] Antwort: How does one persist data? Re:(2)

2000-10-11 Thread COUSSEMENT . C

Those solution works find but it can become buggy to manage the files
(location, versions, ...)

The solution I used with precisely the same problem you mentionned is to use
the form hidden field element to pass the global vars.

My first HTMLpage calls a REBOL-cgi script, passing some args this script
uses to generate another page which in turn contains a form with some hidden
field containing the global data.


You can so pass your args through your app, and call them when you need

I hope it will work for you ! Do not hesitate to ask I there is any problem.

 e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 


> -Original Message-
> Sent: woensdag 11 oktober 2000 10:52
> Subject:  [REBOL] Antwort:  How does one persist data? Re:
> Thanks Andrew, I´ll try that out.
> Sharriff Aina
> med.iq information & quality in healthcare AG
>  Kopie:
> 11.10.00 Thema:  [REBOL] How does one
> persist data? Re:   
> 10:09
> Bitte
> antworten an
> list
> Sharriff wrote:
> > Does anyone have a solution of persisting data across HTML pages? I want
> data submitted through a CGI from a HTML form to be usable in other pages.
> Why not have a Rebol cgi script that outputs the HTML form, another one
> that
> responds to the form and then writes the information as a file, then
> another
> one that reads the file and writes the information as html again? Or,
> failing that, have the Rebol script on the site FTP the data to the site?
> I hope that helps somewhat.
> Andrew Martin
> ICQ: 26227169
> http://members.nbci.com/AndrewMartin/
> -><-