[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-18 Thread seanh

you seem to be missing the point by comparing REBOL to grep.
Suppose I wanted to write grep (or anything else) in REBOL, I'd like it
to behave just like that. I'd need a shell wrapper to hide the fact I was
the rebol interpreter with a script and I'd expect any and all args to the
shell wrapper
to be passed on to my script, not eaten by the rebol interpreter.
If this isnt clear, here's two examples I'm working with:

1) executable file rpke.exe, runs like this...
rpke -i infilename -o outfilename -e anotherfilename -v

2) java program to do the same thing, run from command line by rpke.bat,
like this...
rpke -i infilename -o outfilename -e anotherfilename -v

The "wrapper" batch file rpke.bat looks like this...

@echo off
rem driver for Java version of rpke command line program
jre -cp rpk.jar;rpkdemo.jar rpkdemo.JRPKE %*

... it passes all the args given to the batch file in the "%*", and these
all get thru to
the java class, and are not soaked up by jre.

I'd like REBOL to be capable of behaving the same way.
Incidentally, maybe there's some easy way to "wrap" the command line args
"%*" so that the rebol
interpreter doesnt notice them, and instead passes them on? Maybe some
extra quotes? 
If the "magic" was all hidden in the .bat file then I can get the job done.  
(Reason - the command lines are being emitted by another script, and it
neither knows or cares which
 implementation is actually being invoked)

I'm aware that there may be flaws in the above .bat file when presented
with quoted filenames containing spaces, fortunately I dont need to care
about that.

Hoping for a workaround, rather than waiting for the is-it-a-bug debate to

At 01:33 PM 18/07/00 -0800, you wrote:
>> This bit me too. Rebol apparently parses everything that looks like an
>> option on the command line, not just up to the script name.
>> I consider this a bug and not a feature.
>> Garold   (Gary)L.   JohnsonDYNAMIC Alternatives
>  Grep works similarly as REBOL currently does, considering
>  arguments preceded by - to be switches regardless of where
>  they are placed. For example:
>Before and after args:
>  grep -A 3 foo * -vi
>In between and after args:
>  grep foo -B 10 *.txt -A 20
>   -jeff

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-18 Thread dynalt

Jeff wrote:
  Grep works similarly as REBOL currently does, considering
  arguments preceded by - to be switches regardless of where
  they are placed. For example:

Before and after args:

  grep -A 3 foo * -vi

In between and after args:

  grep foo -B 10 *.txt -A 20

[Garold L. Johnson] That is true, and is true of many Unix programs, but
AFAIK it isn't true of Perl which handles switches up to the script name and
passes the rest to the script. I suggest that Perl is a better analogy to
REBOL than is grep.
The standard mode for getopt in Perl (which is patterned after the Unix
version used in C) is to process all arguments regardless of position
leaving only files in the argument list, but this is still within the script
and not being intercepted by the Perl interpreter itself.
Garold (Gary) L. Johnson
DYNAMIC Alternatives

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-18 Thread jehamby


>   Grep works similarly as REBOL currently does, considering
>   arguments preceded by - to be switches regardless of where
>   they are placed. For example:
> Before and after args:
>   grep -A 3 foo * -vi
> In between and after args:
>   grep foo -B 10 *.txt -A 20

Interesting..  But grep isn't a language interpreter, and that makes
*all* the difference! :)


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-17 Thread jeff

   Howdy, Sean:

> 2) the Rebol developers (if jeff is representative) aren't
> aiming at any kind of cross platform compatibility except
> within Rebol itself, or this issue would have surfaced long
> ago.  There also seems to be a bit NIHilism (Not Invented
> Here-ilism) regarding making Rebol work the way that people
> experienced in other environments might expect.

  Naw.  Be patient.  These things are still evolving.  Under
  windows and mac we have drag and drop support for scripts,
  and we arrange associations so you can start a script by
  double clicking on it.  Similarly, we should expect REBOL in
  unix environments to follow suit with the way other
  applications fit in.  It was my own concern with improving
  the way REBOL operates from the command line that set me off
  on exploring this issue to begin with.  As a result, I've
  gotten a lot of good feedback from people (thanks) and the
  info is being formulated into improved arg handling which
  (hopefully) will meet all our needs and make us all happy.



[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-12 Thread jehamby


>   DOing formed blocks is sort of inelegant.  You're taking a
>   REBOL data structure, a block, and then turning it into a
>   string. By the DOing the string the interpreter actually
>   turns the string back into a block of REBOL data types
>   before evaluating it.  It's not very optimal.  Just DOing
>   the original string ends up being half as much work.

Yes, but either way it doesn't seem like a whole lot of work, unless
you're talking about a REALLY long command-line on a really slow
machine.  :-)

>   Another idea that was brought up was that you could have
>   more than one view of the command line args available, so
>   those that want the separation of args would have it in a
>   block somewhere, and those that want just a doable string
>   would have it somewhere else.  Best of both methods
>   approach.
>   Would that work for us disgruntled REBOL command liners? (-:

Sounds great to me!


[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-12 Thread jhagman


After coding on the C64 and before hitting the bed I'll write quickly...

>   Another idea that was brought up was that you could have
>   more than one view of the command line args available, so
>   those that want the separation of args would have it in a
>   block somewhere, and those that want just a doable string
>   would have it somewhere else.  Best of both methods
>   approach.  
>   Would that work for us disgruntled REBOL command liners? (-:

Well, that seems then to be the best approach, it won't even break 
existing scripts. 

To get the arguments in a block has definately it's uses. And there is
no idea giving arguments in some rebol-specific way, as you suggested

About doable arguments, you said (I already clipped that part away,
sorry) that it is inefficient, maybe so but the args are parsed only
once and starting rebol takes it's time anyway...

For what kind of things 'lot's of people' use doable command-line
arguments? (I'm just being curious :)


Jussi HagmanCS in Åbo Akademi University
Studentbyn 4 D 33   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(4)

2000-07-12 Thread deadzaphod

>Subject: [REBOL] Rebol's argument handling is broken Re:(3)
>Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 18:01:35 -0800
>Howdy, Jake:
> > 1) How many people are going to *want* an immediately DOable
> > REBOL expression?
>   Lots of people! ;-)


> > Maybe   I'm missing something,  but what   about FORM?  For
> > example, assume I pass this to my script:
>   DOing formed blocks is sort of inelegant.  You're taking a
>   REBOL data structure, a block, and then turning it into a
>   string. By the DOing the string the interpreter actually
>   turns the string back into a block of REBOL data types
>   before evaluating it.  It's not very optimal.  Just DOing
>   the original string ends up being half as much work.

Yes, but only "sort of inelegant".  It is extra work, but only involves one 
extra word of rebol code (no big deal), and the wasted processing time is 
insignificant compared to the overhead of starting the rebol interpreter to 
execute a single line of code.  So it seems liek a reasonable trade-off to 

>   I do agree with what you're saying, though, about the need
>   to distinguish command line args.  Believe me-- I want REBOL
>   to excel at command line integration as much as the next
>   guy!

As the next guy, I must say that that's quite a bit.  ;-)

>   Another idea that was brought up was that you could have
>   more than one view of the command line args available, so
>   those that want the separation of args would have it in a
>   block somewhere, and those that want just a doable string
>   would have it somewhere else.  Best of both methods
>   approach.
>   Would that work for us disgruntled REBOL command liners? (-:

I like that solution, it sounds like a wonderful enhancement, but is adding 
the code to provide that any more elegant than just using 'form on an 
argument block?  If so then I'd vote for this, if not - don't clutter up the 
system object with semi-redundant info.

>   Command-linely yours,
>   -jeff

   Cal Dixon ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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