make the large of the left colum 100%

From:  Tee G.Peng <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  [WSG] display: table causing Gecko based browsers extra space for
Date:  Tue, 31 Oct 2006 17:22:12 -0800
>Hi, While you are looking at my the list-style: decimal, can you
>also  check a problem that I haven't been able to solve?
>I use Thierry's toggled elements. It works really nice, but if a  
>floated div inserted, something goes wrong. I want the DL element  
>floats around the floated box when toggled is on; (1) all browses  
>seemed render it correctly except the Safari
>Another thing, (2) the dt has a background image,  the contents for  
>dt and dd should line up vertically, but all browsers, including  
>Safari, next to the floated box  dd contents, line up with dt's  
>background image instead.
>Thierry suggested adding display: table or inline-table in dd and
>dt.  'Inline table' doesn't solves the Safari's problem for (1) but
>the  'table' does, however it resulting bigger spacing (top and
>bottom) in  Gecko based browsers. playing with margins or paddings
>doesn't fix  the problem. Any solution for this?
>One thing though, the 'display:table' only work when declared in
>both  dt and dd.
>Without 'display:table'
>With 'display:table'
>With no floated box, everything works with or without
>'display:table'  declared.
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