From: Jorge Laranjo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: marvin hunkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: JAWS and Frontpage with frames?
Date: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 04:24:02 +0100

Ok. Here I am again. Here are the replys to your questions.
If you need more help, please, feel free to ask me.

> 1. when i have a paragraph, and want a link to a site on the same line, it > wraps round to the next line. how do i get this to stop and be on the same
> line.
Well, I don't really understand your question about this issue. When you use
the <p> marker you are telling to the browser that that text (inside the
tags <p> is a paragraph.).
So, if you type, for example, <p>Paragraph text</p> <a href="#">link</a>
then your link will wrap to the next line. But, im the other hand, if you
type <p>Paragraph text <a href="#">link</a></p> then this doesn't happen.

> 2. for my table headings and table data, would like them side by side, with
> a space, instead of being on two sepearate lines. how do i do this?
I really like the way they are but it's your call. You can do that by
editing the CSS file. Just add a class for that and try something like this:
<th class="your class">.
But I really can't understand what really do you want. Afterall, table
header should be... header! :-D

> 3. with my paragraph tags, in internet explorer, jaws says a blank line in > between my paragraphs. so how do i get the blank line, now to say blank, in
> between my paragraphs.
I really don't have Internet Explorer (I use MAC OS X) and can't test this
site with Jaws. I can't understand this either. Please try to record the
JAWS (on audio) so I can hear to and tell me in what files (HTML) that

> please let me know asap.
> and using frames, and css, and hand coding everything.
> and still also for my star trek and 80s music back to my main links page,
> not going there.
This is the target problem. Change the target to "content" and just load the
"TOC" file and not the INDEX file.
> so how do i fix the url link on the hard disk?
> cheers Marvin.

Jorge Laranjo

skype> jorge.laranjo

if this thread is off topic, then i apologize.
then maybe point me to another list for these questions
asked a friend to help me, but he does not have internet explorer, and not jaws. so if any one can help me out with the questions below, then e-mail me privately.
cheers Marvin.

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