       This is a one-way list for WSG Announcements
This email covers:
- Links for light reading
- WSG and Industry events
- Industry related jobs

If you have an event, resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any
country), please let me know - [EMAIL PROTECTED]


This weeks "links for light reading" are also available here (for those who
click on the links below and find that they are broken):

Have you SEO¹ed your search feature?

Empty Links and Screen Readers

Come on my selector part 1

State of the eNation Reports

Creating accessible PDFs from Word 2007

the meta freezeIE drops the bomb (again)

Librarians challenge Web 2.0 youf-work myths

How To Build A Facebook Application

Using bulleted lists in web content

HTML 5 - W3C Working Draft

Introducing WAVE 4.0

11 Power Tips for Gmail

Accessible Can Be Beautiful

>From psd to code my way

Getting The Most From Design Deliverables

Django People

Bottom line, all weblog apps suck in some way

YUI: CSS Grid Builder


Web Direction North '08
Dates: 28-Jan-08 to 2-Feb-08
City: Vancouver (Canada)
Following great success in 2007, Web Directions North returns in January
2008 for another year of enlightenment, inspiration, networking, and of
course snowboarding.

Dates: 28-Jan-08 to 2-Feb-08
City: Melbourne (Australia)
Next year from January 28th - February 2nd, Melbourne will host one of the
world's best FOSS conferences: Linux.conf.au.  On the last day, Saturday
February 2nd we will be running an Open Day for the general public to
showcase open source.  The 2007 open day had a fantastic line-up of

Canberra WSG meeting
Date: 31-Jan-08
City: Canberra (Australia)
First speaker: Geoff Dibley, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and
Topic 1: They came, they search, they leave - improving internal site search
for users 
Second speaker: Paul Hagon, National Library of Australia
Topic 2: Users aren't as clever as you think they are - search analysis of
Picture Australia

Techshare India 2008
Date: 4-Feb-08 to 5-Feb-08
City:  New Delhi (India)
Breaking the Barriers is the first ever accessibility
conference-exhibition bringing the entire ecosystem; the government, the
corporates, the NGOs, the disabled, the product companies, and the education
providers under one roof.

Auckland PHP User Group: Introduction to SilverStripe
Date: 4-Feb-08
City: Auckland (New Zealand)
A free introduction to the SilverStripe web platform, a globally used
open source platform for building vibrant websites and rich
web-applications focused on end-user usability and a fantastic
environment for coders; a truely PHP5 object-oriented framework that
shall limit programmers mutinying to Ruby on Rails. The talk will also
mention breaking news on the Google Highly Open Particaption contest, which
saw over 60 individuals from around the world work on 200 tasks covering QA,
coding, theme creating, translation, movie making and other highly
supportive activities to the free project.

Dojo Toolkit Training
Date: 6-Feb-08 to 8-Feb-08
Location: Sydney (Australia)
Dojo hit 1.0 a couple of weeks ago. It is a great toolkit for building
rich AJAX web apps. Topics Covered: Dojo Base and Dojo Core, Dijit, DojoX,
Dojo Utilities APIs and development issues discussed include: Ajax, Events,
DOM, query, and behavior, Effects, Data providers and Wire, RPC and JSONP,
Custom Dijit Development, dojo.declare and other advanced JavaScript
language constructs and more! Course runs 3 days, it is $2500USD, you need
intermediate or expert javascript skills and you will need to BYOL (bring
your own laptop)

Designing for Web 2.0
Date: 07-Feb-08
City: Melbourne (Aus)
Ignore the marketing buzz word in the title, this talk is all about what do
recent changes online REALLY mean for the practicing designer. In
particular, I outline a few important trends then explain their impact on
the visual/interaction design of Web services/products. Namely, the trend
from locomotion to manipulation and conversation (how to deal with crowded
shelf space and purely digital services); the trend from sites to content
experiences (how do we design when search, content aggregators, and display
surfaces rule the Web)...

Webstock 08
Dates: 11-Feb-08 to 15-Feb-08
City: Wellington (New Zealand)
5 full-on days. 9 hands-on workshops. 19 kick-ass speakers. 24 must-see
presentations. Truckloads of design, development, user experience, web
standards, content, community, innovation & inspiration.

A practical introduction to website accessibility
Date: 20-Feb-08 
City: London (UK)
A practical fast track introduction to web accessibility ­ the key issues
and legal and business cases.

Sydney Web Standards Group meeting
Date: 21-Feb-08 
City: Sydney (AUS)
Presentation 1: Damian Hickey - Online Video: A standard document format for
Presentation 2: Ben Buchanan - W3C Standards Are Not Enough

Amazon Web Services.
Dates: 25-Feb-08
City: Melbourne (Australia)
Flat Rate Recruitment invites any Melbourne-based passionate technical
people (and their friends) to come along and listen to Mike Culver, a Web
Services Evangelist from Amazon U.S.A http://
evangelists.wetpaint.com/account/mculver  Mike is visiting Australia to
spread the word about Amazon Web Services.

HotMobile 2008
Dates: 25-Feb-08 to 26-Feb-08
City: Napa Valley (USA)
The Ninth Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile)
continues the series of highly selective, interactive workshops focused on
mobile applications, systems, and environments, as well as their underlying
state-of-the-art technologies. HotMobile's small workshop format makes it
ideal for presenting and discussing new directions or controversial

Rich media and latest trends in accessibility
Date: 27-Feb-08
City: London (UK)
An introduction to the key concepts and solutions in making rich media
accessible, including Flash and captioning.  A special guest speaker will
give an introduction to AJAX.

Hidden barriers to web accessibility workshop
Date: 27-Feb-08
City: London, England
Description An eye-opening half-day course, to teach website designers,
developers and programmers how to identify and cure some of the most
serious, most common, but least obvious accessibility problems on their
web sites. 

Transitioning from WCAG 1.0 to 2.0 workshop
Date: 27-Feb-08
City: London, England
Description A half-day course, introducing the forthcoming guidelines
for web accessibility, the Web Accessibility Content Guidelines 2.0
(WCAG 2.0). It includes useful references to key parts of the WCAG 2.0
guideline documentation, explains how these relate to one another and
suggests a workable strategy for progressively incorporating the new
guidelines into your web sites.

A very practical guide to testing against WCAG1.0 and 2.0
Date: 05-Mar-08 
City: London (UK)
A guide to an effective audit process, covering WCAG 1.0, 2.0 and other key
areas of accessibility.

Intranet masterclass
City: London
Date: 7-Mar-08
Managing the evolution of intranets, Intranet innovation -- critical success
factors, Establishing effective collaboration, Improving intranet search

South By South West
Dates: 7-Mar-08 to 11-Mar-08
City: Austin, Texas (USA)
The SXSW Interactive Festival features five days of exciting panel content
and amazing parties. Attracting digital creatives as well as visionary
technology entrepreneurs, the event celebrates the best minds and the
brightest personalities of emerging technology.

Ausweb 08
Dates: 5-Apr-08 to 9-Apr-08
City: Ballina (Australia)
In April 2008 (5th-9th) the 14th Australasian World Wide Web Conference,
AusWeb08, will again be held at the Ballina Beach Resort.

CHI 2008
Date: 5-Apr-08 to 10-Apr-08
City: Florence (Italy)
CHI 2008 focuses on the balance between art and science, design and
research, practical motivation and the process that leads the way to
innovative excellence. It is about balance in our rapidly evolving field,
the balance between individuals and groups, collocated and remote,
stationary and mobile, in both our local and global communities.

IA Summit
Date: 10-Apr-08 to 14-Apr-08
City: Miami, Florida (USA)
The Information Architecture Summit is the premier gathering place for those
interested in information architecture. The 2007 IA Summit attracted over
570 attendees, including beginners, experienced IAs, and people from a range
of related fields.

webDU 2008
Dates: 7-May-08 to 9-May-08
City: Sydney (Australia)
And so it begins -- the sixth Asia-Pacific web developers conference, web
DownUnder 2008!

Web Usability Training Workshop
Date: 28 Feb 2008 Brisbane
Date: 6 May 2008 Melbourne
Date: 22 July 2008 Sydney
Description: Introduction to User Centred Design tools and techniques. As a
result of attending this one day course, participants will have a good
understanding of the value and importance of user centred design and have
the basic skills, knowledge and tools to apply the user centred design
approach to developing usable Internet sites, Intranet sites or web
applications within their own organisation.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/web-usability.html

Usability Evaluation & Testing Training Workshop
Date: 29 Feb 2008 Brisbane (Australia)
Date: 7 May 2008 Melbourne (Australia)
Date: 23 July 2008 Sydney (Australia)
Description: Discount evaluation techniques and how to conduct usability
tests. In this one day interactive workshop, learn valuable usability
evaluation and testing methods that you can use to evaluate your
organisation's Internet and Intranet site, web applications and software.
This course will explore the difference between expert reviews and usability
testing and which is better to use and when. We will cover when to usability
test, what to test and how to test.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/evaluation-and-testing.html

AJAX and User Experience ­ half day course
Date: 1 May 2008 Sydney (Australia)
Date: 8 May 2008 Melbourne (Australia)
Date: 21 May 2008 Brisbane  (Australia)
Description: Using AJAX to enhance your online user experience.
The workshop will explore the advantages and disadvantages of this
increasingly popular technology. We will explore usability and accessibility
issues and common user behaviours with AJAX applications. Finally we will
discuss interaction design guidelines and heuristics for developing user
friendly AJAX designs.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/ajax-usability.html

Interaction Design Training Workshop
Date: 30 April 2008 Sydney (Australia)
Date: 29 May 2008 Brisbane (Australia)
Date: 2 July 2008 Canberra (Australia)
Date: 10 Sept 2008 Melbourne (Australia)
Description: Human characteristics and theoretical principles for usable web
applications, intranet and internet sites. Ever wonder why users don't
behave how you expect? Ever done usability testing or found usability issues
but didn't know how to fix them? This course will provide an insight into
human characteristics and online behaviour based on latest research and
hundreds of usability tests with users, including video footage of usability
test sessions. We will also cover the theory and principles of interaction
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/interaction-design.html
Web Application Design Training Workshop
Date: 29 April 2008 Sydney (Australia)
Date: 28 May 2008 Brisbane (Australia)
Date: 1 July 2008 Canberra (Australia)
Date: 9 Sept 2008 Melbourne (Australia)
Processes and interface design fundamentals for designing usable web
applications. From internet banking, online learning, government
transactional sites to employee phonebooks, online projects increasingly
include elements of web application design. This course will explore the
value and limitations of building a web application and introduce a range of
tools, approaches and interface design principles to ensure that you
understand your audience and design intuitive and usable web applications.
URL: http://www.peakusability.com.au/training/web-applications.html


No jobs this week

Did I miss an event, resource or job in your city? If you have an event,
resource or relevant job you'd like posted (from any country), please let me


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