Greetings and Salutations,

I'm putting together a little photo montage of electric motorcycles for the upcoming Alternative Fuel Vehicle Day Odyssey on October 14th in beautiful downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan. (Hit the website for more details.) I have plenty of pictures of my bikes but I'd like to show off other bikes too.

I know some of you have put some great pictures in the gallery of the website but the software we're using shrinks pictures down for the web and they look ugly when printed. So, if you have a nice picture, or two or three, of your bike and you'd like to participate send me a high resolution picture. I'll do any Photoshop clean up then I'll make a print for display at our both.

Please don't send files to the list, they'll likely be rejected by the list software. Send your pictures to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and please include any info you'd like to be displayed with the photo such as range, speed, model, make, etc. Anything you think might be fun or interesting.



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