Greetings and Salutations,


This week will see our kick off meeting of the Adelaide SharePoint User
Group, What an exciting time!


This week's meeting will provide an introduction to the focus and direction
the group will be taking over the next 6 months.


To kick off the SharePoint related topics, Paul Turner will be covering how
to create your own custom fields with Visual Studio, CAML and .NET.


Adelaide SharePoint User Group - April Meeting


April's Meeting is the Kickoff event for the Adelaide SharePoint User Group!


When and Where:


*         Where: Microsoft Innovation Centre

*         Address: Level 2, Westpac House, King William Street, Adelaide

*         When: April 15th @ 5:30PM


With April's being the first official meeting complete with presenters, we
have an information packed evening planned! So don't miss out!


The Agenda

*         5:45 PM- Arrive, Social Networking with Drinks and Nibbles'.

Arrive, relaxing, have a drink and something to eat before getting started
with the evenings events.


*         6:15 PM - Welcome, Introductions and Announcements - Daniel Brown

Daniel Brown will be talking on the Adelaide SharePoint User group and
welcoming everyone as well as introducing the committee members.


He will also outline the strategy and paths of the User Group as well as
future presentations and a major announcement for the Month of May!


*         6:55 PM - Door Prize Draw: Halo 2 (PC Version)


*         7:00 PM - SharePoint Custom Fields - Paul Turner (SDM) 

Learn about built in field types in SharePoint and how to create your own
new field types.  

Paul will be demonstrating how to create fields using features, CAML and how
to create totally custom fields in .NET.


*         8:00 PM - Close or continued Social Networking over coffee

Join attendees and committee members across the road at Chancellor Brasserie
Bar & Restaurant and discuss any more advanced questions or topics in a
relaxed environment over a hot cup of coffee!


For more information, please contact Daniel Brown on 0419 804 099 or email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with "[ASPUG]" in the subject.


Community Competitions


A this month's meeting, we'll also be opening up 2 competitions for members.
This provides you with a chance to get involved with the group by entering
into the 2 following competitions and win fabulous prizes!


Site Logo Competition

Design a Logo for the User Group for use on the site and official documents.


Site Theme Competition

Design a Site theme for the Adelaide SharePoint User Group, which will be
used on the Groups site.


More information, conditions and details will be given at this Month's
meeting on Tuesday the 15th (14/04/2008).


We'll see you there!




Useful Links


Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies Team Blog

The official blog of the SharePoint Product Group



SharePoint Products and Technologies Protocols (Preliminary Documentation) :

The SharePoint Products and Technologies protocol documentation provides
specifications for protocols that are implemented in Microsoft SharePoint
Products and Technologies software and that are used to communicate with
other Microsoft products.



Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions,
Version 1.1 : 

(Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, version

Tools for developing custom SharePoint applications: Visual Studio project
templates for Web Parts, site definitions, and list definitions; and a
stand-alone utility program, the SharePoint Solution Generator. Please also
download the User Guide and Samples listed in Related Resources.

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Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Tools: Visual Studio 2005 Extensions User
Guide, Version 1.1:

User Guide for the Visual Studio 2005 extensions for Windows SharePoint
Services 3.0, version 1.1

A User Guide and Samples in VB.NET and C# for the VSeWSS 1.1 tools for
developing custom SharePoint applications with Visual Studio 2005.

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