On Sat, Aug 9, 2014 at 4:33 AM, Deepak Panickal <dee...@codeplay.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I understand.
> The lldb-mi driver is a sub project which only we have been committing to
> and working on primarily. It’s separate from the core files of LLDB. Which
> is why I committed a bigger patch.
> I agree with you that smaller incremental patches are always better, and
> would try to stick to that as much as possible.

I understand that is the historical reason why, however I think that "as
much as possible" should be "always".

If you think you have a patch which cannot be split up, I would send it for
pre-commit review and ask the reviewers if they see any way to split it up,
and if not, are OK with it being landed as a large patch. It is extremely
rare that this actually can't be done.
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