This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Closed by commit rG85bcc1eb2f56: [lldb] Make SBType::IsTypeComplete more 
consistent by forcing the loading of… (authored by teemperor).
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Index: lldb/test/API/lang/objc/complete-type-check/main.m
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/lang/objc/complete-type-check/main.m
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+@class IncompleteClass;
+@interface CompleteClass : NSObject
+@interface CompleteClassWithImpl : NSObject
+@implementation CompleteClassWithImpl
+IncompleteClass *incomplete = 0;
+CompleteClass *complete = 0;
+CompleteClassWithImpl *complete_impl = 0;
+int main() {
+  return 0; // break here
Index: lldb/test/API/lang/objc/complete-type-check/
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/lang/objc/complete-type-check/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+""" Tests SBType.IsTypeComplete on Objective-C types. """
+import lldb
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
+class TestCase(TestBase):
+    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+    @skipUnlessDarwin
+    @no_debug_info_test
+    def test(self):
+        lldbutil.run_to_source_breakpoint(self, "// break here", lldb.SBFileSpec("main.m"))
+        # A class that is only forward declared is not complete.
+        incomplete = self.expect_expr("incomplete", result_type="IncompleteClass *")
+        self.assertTrue(incomplete.IsValid())
+        incomplete_class = incomplete.GetType().GetPointeeType()
+        self.assertTrue(incomplete_class.IsValid())
+        self.assertFalse(incomplete_class.IsTypeComplete())
+        # A class that has its interface fully declared is complete.
+        complete = self.expect_expr("complete", result_type="CompleteClass *")
+        self.assertTrue(complete.IsValid())
+        complete_class = complete.GetType().GetPointeeType()
+        self.assertTrue(complete_class.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(complete_class.IsTypeComplete())
+        # A class that has its interface fully declared and an implementation
+        # is also complete.
+        complete_with_impl = self.expect_expr("complete_impl",
+            result_type="CompleteClassWithImpl *")
+        self.assertTrue(complete_with_impl.IsValid())
+        complete_class_with_impl = complete_with_impl.GetType().GetPointeeType()
+        self.assertTrue(complete_class_with_impl.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(complete_class_with_impl.IsTypeComplete())
Index: lldb/test/API/lang/objc/complete-type-check/Makefile
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/lang/objc/complete-type-check/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+OBJC_SOURCES := main.m
+LD_EXTRAS := -framework Foundation
+CFLAGS_EXTRAS := -fobjc-arc
+include Makefile.rules
Index: lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/complete-type-check/main.cpp
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/complete-type-check/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+struct EmptyClass {};
+struct DefinedClass {
+  int i;
+typedef DefinedClass DefinedClassTypedef;
+struct FwdClass;
+typedef FwdClass FwdClassTypedef;
+template <typename T> struct DefinedTemplateClass {};
+template <> struct DefinedTemplateClass<int> {};
+template <typename T> struct FwdTemplateClass;
+template <> struct FwdTemplateClass<int>;
+enum class EnumClassFwd;
+enum DefinedEnum { Case1 };
+enum DefinedEnumClass { Case2 };
+EmptyClass empty_class;
+DefinedClass defined_class;
+DefinedClassTypedef defined_class_typedef;
+FwdClass *fwd_class;
+FwdClassTypedef *fwd_class_typedef;
+DefinedTemplateClass<int> defined_template_class;
+FwdTemplateClass<int> *fwd_template_class;
+EnumClassFwd *fwd_enum_class = nullptr;
+DefinedEnum defined_enum = Case1;
+DefinedEnumClass defined_enum_class = DefinedEnumClass::Case2;
+int main() {}
Index: lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/complete-type-check/
--- /dev/null
+++ lldb/test/API/lang/cpp/complete-type-check/
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+""" Tests SBType.IsTypeComplete on C++ types. """
+import lldb
+from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
+from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
+from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
+class TestCase(TestBase):
+    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
+    def assertComplete(self, typename):
+        """ Asserts that the type with the given name is complete. """
+        found_type =
+        self.assertTrue(found_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(found_type.IsTypeComplete())
+    def assertCompleteWithVar(self, typename):
+        """ Asserts that the type with the given name is complete. """
+        found_type =
+        self.assertTrue(found_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(found_type.IsTypeComplete())
+    def assertPointeeIncomplete(self, typename, variable):
+        """ Asserts that the pointee type behind the type with the given name
+        is not complete. The variable is used to find the type."""
+        found_type =
+        found_type = self.expect_expr(variable, result_type=typename).GetType()
+        self.assertTrue(found_type.IsPointerType())
+        pointee_type = found_type.GetPointeeType()
+        self.assertTrue(pointee_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertFalse(pointee_type.IsTypeComplete())
+    @no_debug_info_test
+    def test_forward_declarations(self):
+        """ Tests types of declarations that can be forward declared. """
+        self.createTestTarget()
+        # Check record types with a definition.
+        self.assertCompleteWithVar("EmptyClass")
+        self.assertCompleteWithVar("DefinedClass")
+        self.assertCompleteWithVar("DefinedClassTypedef")
+        self.assertCompleteWithVar("DefinedTemplateClass<int>")
+        # Record types without a defining declaration are not complete.
+        self.assertPointeeIncomplete("FwdClass *", "fwd_class")
+        self.assertPointeeIncomplete("FwdClassTypedef *", "fwd_class_typedef")
+        self.assertPointeeIncomplete("FwdTemplateClass<> *", "fwd_template_class")
+        # A pointer type is complete even when it points to an incomplete type.
+        fwd_class_ptr = self.expect_expr("fwd_class", result_type="FwdClass *")
+        self.assertTrue(fwd_class_ptr.GetType().IsTypeComplete())
+    @no_debug_info_test
+    def test_builtin_types(self):
+        """ Tests builtin types and types derived from them. """
+        self.createTestTarget()
+        # Void is complete.
+        void_type ="void")
+        self.assertTrue(void_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(void_type.IsTypeComplete())
+        # Builtin types are also complete.
+        int_type ="int")
+        self.assertTrue(int_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(int_type.IsTypeComplete())
+        # References to builtin types are also complete.
+        int_ref_type = int_type.GetReferenceType()
+        self.assertTrue(int_ref_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(int_ref_type.IsTypeComplete())
+        # Pointer types to basic types are always complete.
+        int_ptr_type = int_type.GetReferenceType()
+        self.assertTrue(int_ptr_type.IsValid())
+        self.assertTrue(int_ptr_type.IsTypeComplete())
Index: lldb/test/API/functionalities/type_completion/main.cpp
--- lldb/test/API/functionalities/type_completion/main.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <vector>
-#include <iostream>
-class CustomString
-  CustomString (const char* buffer) :
-    m_buffer(nullptr)
-  {
-    if (buffer)
-    {
-      auto l = strlen(buffer);
-      m_buffer = new char[1 + l];
-      strcpy(m_buffer, buffer);
-    }
-  }
-  ~CustomString ()
-  {
-    delete[] m_buffer;
-  }
-  const char*
-  GetBuffer ()
-  {
-    return m_buffer;
-  }
-  char *m_buffer;
-class NameAndAddress
-	{
-	public:
-		CustomString& GetName() { return *m_name; }
-		CustomString& GetAddress() { return *m_address; }
-		NameAndAddress(const char* N, const char* A) : m_name(new CustomString(N)), m_address(new CustomString(A))
-		{
-		}
-		~NameAndAddress()
-		{
-		}
-	private:
-		CustomString* m_name;
-		CustomString* m_address;
-typedef std::vector<NameAndAddress> People;
-int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
-	People p;
-	p.push_back(NameAndAddress("Enrico","123 Main Street"));
-	p.push_back(NameAndAddress("Foo","10710 Johnson Avenue")); // Set break point at this line.
-	p.push_back(NameAndAddress("Arpia","6956 Florey Street"));
-	p.push_back(NameAndAddress("Apple","1 Infinite Loop")); // Set break point at this line.
-	p.push_back(NameAndAddress("Richard","9500 Gilman Drive"));
-	p.push_back(NameAndAddress("Bar","3213 Windsor Rd"));
-	for (int j = 0; j<p.size(); j++)
-	{
-		NameAndAddress guy = p[j];
-		std::cout << "Person " << j << " is named " << guy.GetName().GetBuffer() << " and lives at " << guy.GetAddress().GetBuffer() << std::endl; // Set break point at this line.
-	}
-	return 0;
Index: lldb/test/API/functionalities/type_completion/
--- lldb/test/API/functionalities/type_completion/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-Check that types only get completed when necessary.
-import lldb
-from lldbsuite.test.decorators import *
-from lldbsuite.test.lldbtest import *
-from lldbsuite.test import lldbutil
-class TypeCompletionTestCase(TestBase):
-    mydir = TestBase.compute_mydir(__file__)
-    @expectedFailureAll(
-        compiler="icc",
-        bugnumber="often fails with 'NameAndAddress should be valid.")
-    # Fails with gcc 4.8.1 with LLDB prints incorrect sizes
-    # of STL containers
-    def test_with_run_command(self):
-        """Check that types only get completed when necessary."""
-        self.runCmd("file " + self.getBuildArtifact("a.out"), CURRENT_EXECUTABLE_SET)
-        lldbutil.run_break_set_by_source_regexp(
-            self, "// Set break point at this line.")
-        self.runCmd("run", RUN_SUCCEEDED)
-        # The stop reason of the thread should be breakpoint.
-        self.expect("thread list", STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT,
-                    substrs=['stopped',
-                             'stop reason = breakpoint'])
-        # This is the function to remove the custom formats in order to have a
-        # clean slate for the next test case.
-        def cleanup():
-            self.runCmd('type category enable -l c++', check=False)
-        self.runCmd('type category disable -l c++', check=False)
-        # Execute the cleanup function during test case tear down.
-        self.addTearDownHook(cleanup)
-        p_vector = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess(
-        ).GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().FindVariable('p')
-        p_type = p_vector.GetType()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            p_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'vector<T> complete but it should not be')
-        self.runCmd("continue")
-        p_vector = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess(
-        ).GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().FindVariable('p')
-        p_type = p_vector.GetType()
-        self.assertFalse(
-            p_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'vector<T> complete but it should not be')
-        self.runCmd("continue")
-        self.runCmd("frame variable p --show-types")
-        p_vector = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess(
-        ).GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().FindVariable('p')
-        p_type = p_vector.GetType()
-        self.assertTrue(
-            p_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'vector<T> should now be complete')
-        name_address_type = p_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress should be valid')
-        self.assertFalse(
-            name_address_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'NameAndAddress complete but it should not be')
-        self.runCmd("continue")
-        self.runCmd("frame variable guy --show-types")
-        p_vector = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess(
-        ).GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().FindVariable('p')
-        p_type = p_vector.GetType()
-        self.assertTrue(
-            p_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'vector<T> should now be complete')
-        name_address_type = p_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress should be valid')
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'NameAndAddress should now be complete')
-        field0 = name_address_type.GetFieldAtIndex(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            field0.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress::m_name should be valid')
-        string = field0.GetType().GetPointeeType()
-        self.assertTrue(string.IsValid(), 'CustomString should be valid')
-        self.assertFalse(string.IsTypeComplete(),
-                         'CustomString complete but it should not be')
-        self.runCmd("continue")
-        p_vector = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess(
-        ).GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().FindVariable('p')
-        p_type = p_vector.GetType()
-        self.assertTrue(
-            p_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'vector<T> should now be complete')
-        name_address_type = p_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress should be valid')
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'NameAndAddress should now be complete')
-        field0 = name_address_type.GetFieldAtIndex(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            field0.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress::m_name should be valid')
-        string = field0.GetType().GetPointeeType()
-        self.assertTrue(string.IsValid(), 'CustomString should be valid')
-        self.assertFalse(string.IsTypeComplete(),
-                         'CustomString complete but it should not be')
-        self.runCmd('type category enable -l c++', check=False)
-        self.runCmd('frame variable guy --show-types --ptr-depth=1')
-        p_vector = self.dbg.GetSelectedTarget().GetProcess(
-        ).GetSelectedThread().GetSelectedFrame().FindVariable('p')
-        p_type = p_vector.GetType()
-        self.assertTrue(
-            p_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'vector<T> should now be complete')
-        name_address_type = p_type.GetTemplateArgumentType(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress should be valid')
-        self.assertTrue(
-            name_address_type.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'NameAndAddress should now be complete')
-        field0 = name_address_type.GetFieldAtIndex(0)
-        self.assertTrue(
-            field0.IsValid(),
-            'NameAndAddress::m_name should be valid')
-        string = field0.GetType().GetPointeeType()
-        self.assertTrue(string.IsValid(), 'CustomString should be valid')
-        self.assertTrue(
-            string.IsTypeComplete(),
-            'CustomString should now be complete')
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp
@@ -2940,7 +2940,12 @@
 bool TypeSystemClang::IsCompleteType(lldb::opaque_compiler_type_t type) {
-  const bool allow_completion = false;
+  // If the type hasn't been lazily completed yet, complete it now so that we
+  // can give the caller an accurate answer whether the type actually has a
+  // definition. Without completing the type now we would just tell the user
+  // the current (internal) completeness state of the type and most users don't
+  // care (or even know) about this behavior.
+  const bool allow_completion = true;
   return GetCompleteQualType(&getASTContext(), GetQualType(type),
Index: lldb/bindings/interface/SBType.i
--- lldb/bindings/interface/SBType.i
+++ lldb/bindings/interface/SBType.i
@@ -837,6 +837,21 @@
     GetMemberFunctionAtIndex (uint32_t idx);
+    %feature("docstring",
+    "Returns true if the type is completely defined.
+    Language-specific behaviour:
+    * C: Returns false for struct types that were only forward declared in the
+      type's `SBTarget`/`SBModule`. Otherwise returns true.
+    * C++: Returns false for template/non-template struct/class types and
+      scoped enums that were only forward declared inside the type's
+      `SBTarget`/`SBModule`. Otherwise returns true.
+    * Objective-C: Follows the same behavior as C for struct types. Objective-C
+      classes are considered complete unless they were only forward declared via
+      ``@class ClassName`` in the type's `SBTarget`/`SBModule`. Otherwise
+      returns true.
+    ") IsTypeComplete;
     IsTypeComplete ();
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