Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB does not respect platform sysroot when loading core on Linux

2018-07-20 Thread Eugene Birukov via lldb-dev
I have a small fix - pass platform sysroot to ModuleList::GetSharedModule. The 
fix works for me.

What should I do to get it reviewed?


diff --git a/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h b/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h
index 4b637c9..3214291 100644
--- a/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h
+++ b/include/lldb/Core/ModuleList.h
@@ -541,7 +541,8 @@ public:
 const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr,
 lldb::ModuleSP *old_module_sp_ptr,
 bool *did_create_ptr,
-bool always_create = false);
+bool always_create = false,
+const char* sysroot = nullptr);

   static bool RemoveSharedModule(lldb::ModuleSP &module_sp);

diff --git a/source/Core/ModuleList.cpp b/source/Core/ModuleList.cpp
index 3970052..f2db3bb 100644
--- a/source/Core/ModuleList.cpp
+++ b/source/Core/ModuleList.cpp
@@ -707,7 +707,11 @@ Status ModuleList::GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec 
ModuleSP &module_sp,
const FileSpecList *module_search_paths_ptr,
ModuleSP *old_module_sp_ptr,
-   bool *did_create_ptr, bool always_create) {
+   bool *did_create_ptr, bool always_create,
+   const char* sysroot) {
+  // Make sure no one else can try and get or create a module while this
+  // function is actively working on it by doing an extra lock on the
+  // global mutex list.
   ModuleList &shared_module_list = GetSharedModuleList();
   std::lock_guard guard(
@@ -726,9 +730,6 @@ Status ModuleList::GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec 
   const FileSpec &module_file_spec = module_spec.GetFileSpec();
   const ArchSpec &arch = module_spec.GetArchitecture();

-  // Make sure no one else can try and get or create a module while this
-  // function is actively working on it by doing an extra lock on the
-  // global mutex list.
   if (!always_create) {
 ModuleList matching_module_list;
 const size_t num_matching_modules =
@@ -762,7 +763,11 @@ Status ModuleList::GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec 
   if (module_sp)
 return error;

-  module_sp.reset(new Module(module_spec));
+  auto resolved_module_spec(module_spec);
+  if (sysroot != nullptr)
+  module_sp.reset(new Module(resolved_module_spec));
   // Make sure there are a module and an object file since we can specify
   // a valid file path with an architecture that might not be in that file.
   // By getting the object file we can guarantee that the architecture matches
diff --git a/source/Target/Platform.cpp b/source/Target/Platform.cpp
index 5d60bb7..19161cc 100644
--- a/source/Target/Platform.cpp
+++ b/source/Target/Platform.cpp
@@ -225,13 +225,14 @@ Status Platform::GetSharedModule(const ModuleSpec 
   if (IsHost())
 return ModuleList::GetSharedModule(
 module_spec, module_sp, module_search_paths_ptr, old_module_sp_ptr,
-did_create_ptr, false);
+did_create_ptr, false, m_sdk_sysroot.AsCString());

   return GetRemoteSharedModule(module_spec, process, module_sp,
[&](const ModuleSpec &spec) {
  Status error = ModuleList::GetSharedModule(
  spec, module_sp, module_search_paths_ptr,
- old_module_sp_ptr, did_create_ptr, false);
+ old_module_sp_ptr, did_create_ptr, false,
+ m_sdk_sysroot.AsCString());
  if (error.Success() && module_sp)

From: lldb-dev>> On 
Behalf Of Eugene Birukov via lldb-dev
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 12:21 PM
To: Ted Woodward>>;
Subject: Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB does not respect platform sysroot when loading 
core on Linux

  1.  Shouldn't platform trick work?
  2.  This doesn't work too. "image" command is rejected if I don't have the 
target created. But if I issue it after I got target, the module list gets 
practically empty. Only the modules I have exactly matching between my machine 
and the target are left.

Another problem: has matched from my machine, but this is 
actually a different file.

(lldb) image search-paths add / /tmp/debugcore.3WyoW4/lib2/
error: invalid target

(lldb) target create -c core bin/executable
Core file ... (x86_64) was loaded.
(lldb) target mod list
[  0]

Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB does not respect platform sysroot when loading core on Linux

2018-07-20 Thread Eugene Birukov via lldb-dev
  1.  Shouldn't platform trick work?
  2.  This doesn't work too. "image" command is rejected if I don't have the 
target created. But if I issue it after I got target, the module list gets 
practically empty. Only the modules I have exactly matching between my machine 
and the target are left.

Another problem: has matched from my machine, but this is 
actually a different file.

(lldb) image search-paths add / /tmp/debugcore.3WyoW4/lib2/
error: invalid target
(lldb) target create -c core bin/executable
Core file ... (x86_64) was loaded.
(lldb) target mod list
[  0] EB1EC4C1-8C92-1BBC-5EEC-98AAD9006691-2E1FE735
[  1] BBCFB8B3-D0D8-9B97-9231-645196845E00-CB55E7D0
[  2] AF1A7705-DAC0-8661-7411-8DEFE8281C64-AED273A9
[  3] 5D7B6259-5522-75A3-C17B-D4C3FD05F5A6-BF40CAA5
[  4] F40CF56C-9984-4493-6E56-9E905018C61A-446E19F3 0x7ffd3f9d2000 [vdso] 
[  5] 402F8E9C---- 0x7f0e8094e000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e8094e000)
[  6] C36E0F49---- 0x7f0e80746000 /lib64/ 
[  7] DA7C854B---- 0x7f0e80542000 /lib64/ 
[  8] 9EFAADB9---- 0x7f0e7feb2000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7feb2000)
[  9] 1B54BC7F---- 0x7f0e7fc44000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7fc44000)
[ 10] 0E999CDE---- 0x7f0e7fa38000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7fa38000)
[ 11] 51C7A74C---- 0x7f0e7f7ea000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7f7ea000)
[ 12] D74EFC55---- 0x7f0e7f503000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7f503000)
[ 13] 57A9AB75---- 0x7f0e7f2d1000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7f2d1000)
[ 14] 93F50DD9---- 0x7f0e7f0cd000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7f0cd000)
[ 15] 04DA7429---- 0x7f0e7ee8f000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7ee8f000)
[ 16] 0D4800F4---- 0x7f0e7ec8a000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7ec8a000)
[ 17] 07CAC506---- 0x7f0e7ea85000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7ea85000)
[ 18] A69E7F20---- 0x7f0e7e537000 /lib64/ 
[ 19] 9FAE7CD0---- 0x7f0e7e321000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7e321000)
[ 20] 02E59CD0---- 0x7f0e7df6 /lib64/ 
[ 21] 9FCA7001---- 0x7f0e7dc58000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7dc58000)
[ 22] EADDCF0A---- 0x7f0e7da42000 /lib64/ 
[ 23] 4158BE15---- 0x7f0e7d833000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7d833000)
[ 24] 9213C8BE---- 0x7f0e7d62f000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7d62f000)
[ 25] DA713559---- 0x7f0e7d415000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7d415000)
[ 26] 7EC8B5FA---- 0x7f0e7d1ee000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7d1ee000)
[ 27] B618A715---- 0x7f0e7cf8d000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e7cf8d000)
[ 28] 7BC742F6-EC7C-B8E9-3251-08C749F25E46-D76FE69D
[ 29] A3A6D23F---- 0x7f0e75e24000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e75e24000)
[ 30] 682FA1FE---- 0x7f0e2f531000 
/usr/lib64/gssproxy/ (0x7f0e2f531000)
[ 31] DA479E71---- 0x7f0e2f305000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2f305000)
[ 32] D10ACB70---- 0x7f0e2b9ef000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2b9ef000)
[ 33] 8A5852DC---- 0x7f0e2b7e9000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2b7e9000)
[ 34] A19B4645---- 0x7f0e2b733000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2b733000)
[ 35] CB72796B---- 0x7f0e2b52e000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2b52e000)
[ 36] 312FFEED---- 0x7f0e2b2e6000 /lib64/ 
[ 37] 1B32E461---- 0x7f0e2b0e1000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2b0e1000)
[ 38] 280E50A8---- 0x7f0e2aec9000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2aec9000)
[ 39] FFB3D20E---- 0x7f0e2acb9000 
/lib64/ (0x7f0e2acb9000)
(lldb) image search-paths add / /tmp/debugcore.3WyoW4/lib2/
(lldb) target mod list
[  0] EB1EC4C1-8C92-1BBC-5EEC-98AAD9006691-2E1FE735

Re: [lldb-dev] LLDB does not respect platform sysroot when loading core on Linux

2018-07-20 Thread Ted Woodward via lldb-dev
Instead of setting the sysroot, try the command

image search-paths add / /path/to/remote/shared/libraries/


That adds to the list that the dynamic loader uses to map shared object


It uses a simple text substitution, so in the above case,





Matching up trailing slashes is critical, as I learned the hard way!





Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.

The Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc. is a member of Code Aurora Forum, a
Linux Foundation Collaborative Project


From: lldb-dev [] On Behalf Of Eugene
Birukov via lldb-dev
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2018 1:13 PM
Subject: [lldb-dev] LLDB does not respect platform sysroot when loading core
on Linux




I would appreciate advise how to fix this correctly.


I have a core dump from somebody's RHEL Linux and I am trying to open it on
my Ubuntu. I have all the shared libraries from the target sitting under my
local directory. So, GDB happily opens the core after I issue "set sysroot
/path/to/local/root", but LLDB release_60 fails to do it.


I follow instructions from Greg's Clayton mail :


(lldb) platform select --sysroot /path/to/remote/shared/libraries



Under debugger, I see that LLDB successfully created Platform object with
m_sdk_root set to my path and the Target uses it as its platform:


(gdb) p target_sp->m_platform_sp->m_sdk_sysroot

$42 = {

  m_string = 0x80e070 "/tmp/debugcore.3WyoW4/lib2"



But this value is not used when it comes to

(gdb) bt

#0  lldb_private::ModuleList::GetSharedModule (module_spec=...,
module_sp=std::shared_ptr (empty) 0x0,

module_search_paths_ptr=0x83ad60, old_module_sp_ptr=0x7fffbb50,

always_create=false) at

#1  0x7fffedc2d130 in lldb_private::Platformoperator()(const lldb_private::ModuleSpec &)
const (__closure=0x8581b0, spec=...)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:234

#2  0x7fffedc34ff2 in std::_Function_handler >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const
lldb_private::ModuleSpec &) (__functor=..., __args#0=...) at

#3  0x7fffedc37978 in std::function::operator()(lldb_private::ModuleSpec
const&) const (this=0x7fffba80, __args#0=...) at

#4  0x7fffedc3375a in
const&, lldb_private::Process*, std::shared_ptr&,
const&, bool*) (this=0x839330, module_spec=..., process=0x84d310,
module_sp=std::shared_ptr (empty) 0x0,

module_resolver=..., did_create_ptr=0x7fffbb07)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:1628

#5  0x7fffedc2d2cd in lldb_private::Platform::GetSharedModule
(this=0x839330, module_spec=...,

process=0x84d310, module_sp=std::shared_ptr (empty) 0x0,

old_module_sp_ptr=0x7fffbb50, did_create_ptr=0x7fffbb07)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:240

#6  0x7fffedc9957c in lldb_private::Target::GetSharedModule
(this=0x846960, module_spec=..., error_ptr=0x0)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp:1952

#7  0x7fffef8e0d11 in lldb_private::DynamicLoader::LoadModuleAtAddress
(this=0x9a0a70, file=...,

link_map_addr=139700267943784, base_addr=139700263510016,

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Core/DynamicLoader.cpp:171

#8  0x7fffedd8fb55 in DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD::LoadAllCurrentModules


#9  0x7fffedd8de52 in DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD::DidAttach (this=0x9a0a70)


#10 0x7fffedc476d9 in lldb_private::Process::LoadCore (this=0x84d310)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Process.cpp:2853


I simply do not see any reference to sysroot in the GetSharedModule() code.
What is there - it is only scanning module_search_paths_ptr looking for
file. This would not work because the scan ignores the directory part of the
module: it takes the next path from the list and appends the file name. What
I need instead - take m_sdk_sysroot from Platform and append the full module
- including directory - to it.


Unfortunately, GetSharedModule() is a static method and does not have any
clue what is current platform or current target. So, should I pass another
argument down there with sysroot or what? I have correct platform object at
frame 4.







[lldb-dev] LLDB does not respect platform sysroot when loading core on Linux

2018-07-20 Thread Eugene Birukov via lldb-dev

I would appreciate advise how to fix this correctly...

I have a core dump from somebody's RHEL Linux and I am trying to open it on my 
Ubuntu. I have all the shared libraries from the target sitting under my local 
directory. So, GDB happily opens the core after I issue "set sysroot 
/path/to/local/root", but LLDB release_60 fails to do it.

I follow instructions from Greg's Clayton mail :

(lldb) platform select --sysroot /path/to/remote/shared/libraries remote-linux

Under debugger, I see that LLDB successfully created Platform object with 
m_sdk_root set to my path and the Target uses it as its platform:

(gdb) p target_sp->m_platform_sp->m_sdk_sysroot

$42 = {

  m_string = 0x80e070 "/tmp/debugcore.3WyoW4/lib2"


But this value is not used when it comes to 

(gdb) bt

#0  lldb_private::ModuleList::GetSharedModule (module_spec=..., 
module_sp=std::shared_ptr (empty) 0x0,

module_search_paths_ptr=0x83ad60, old_module_sp_ptr=0x7fffbb50, 

always_create=false) at 

#1  0x7fffedc2d130 in lldb_private::Platformoperator()(const lldb_private::ModuleSpec &) const 
(__closure=0x8581b0, spec=...)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:234

#2  0x7fffedc34ff2 in std::_Function_handler >::_M_invoke(const std::_Any_data &, const 
lldb_private::ModuleSpec &) (__functor=..., __args#0=...) at 

#3  0x7fffedc37978 in std::function::operator()(lldb_private::ModuleSpec const&) 
const (this=0x7fffba80, __args#0=...) at /usr/include/c++/5/functional:2267

#4  0x7fffedc3375a in 
lldb_private::Platform::GetRemoteSharedModule(lldb_private::ModuleSpec const&, 
lldb_private::Process*, std::shared_ptr&, 
std::function const&, 
bool*) (this=0x839330, module_spec=..., process=0x84d310, 
module_sp=std::shared_ptr (empty) 0x0,

module_resolver=..., did_create_ptr=0x7fffbb07)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:1628

#5  0x7fffedc2d2cd in lldb_private::Platform::GetSharedModule 
(this=0x839330, module_spec=...,

process=0x84d310, module_sp=std::shared_ptr (empty) 0x0, 

old_module_sp_ptr=0x7fffbb50, did_create_ptr=0x7fffbb07)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Platform.cpp:240

#6  0x7fffedc9957c in lldb_private::Target::GetSharedModule (this=0x846960, 
module_spec=..., error_ptr=0x0)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Target.cpp:1952

#7  0x7fffef8e0d11 in lldb_private::DynamicLoader::LoadModuleAtAddress 
(this=0x9a0a70, file=...,

link_map_addr=139700267943784, base_addr=139700263510016, 

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Core/DynamicLoader.cpp:171

#8  0x7fffedd8fb55 in DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD::LoadAllCurrentModules 


#9  0x7fffedd8de52 in DynamicLoaderPOSIXDYLD::DidAttach (this=0x9a0a70)


#10 0x7fffedc476d9 in lldb_private::Process::LoadCore (this=0x84d310)

at /home/eugene/llvm/tools/lldb/source/Target/Process.cpp:2853

I simply do not see any reference to sysroot in the GetSharedModule() code. 
What is there - it is only scanning module_search_paths_ptr looking for file. 
This would not work because the scan ignores the directory part of the module: 
it takes the next path from the list and appends the file name. What I need 
instead - take m_sdk_sysroot from Platform and append the full module - 
including directory - to it.

Unfortunately, GetSharedModule() is a static method and does not have any clue 
what is current platform or current target. So, should I pass another argument 
down there with sysroot or what? I have correct platform object at frame 4.


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