Bug ID: 30452
           Summary: CFG simplify sink performance regression on AArch64 in
                    libcxx std::map
           Product: libraries
           Version: trunk
          Hardware: PC
                OS: Linux
            Status: NEW
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P
         Component: Scalar Optimizations
    Classification: Unclassified

The following commit causes an extra load inside a loop.

commit 808cdf24ff6941f8a2179abecb5c7e80a758a04a
Author: James Molloy <>
Date:   Sun Sep 11 09:00:03 2016 +0000

    [SimplifyCFG] Be even more conservative in SinkThenElseCodeToEnd

    This should *actually* fix PR30244. This cranks up the workaround for
PR30188 so that we never sink loads or stores of allocas.

    The idea is that these should be removed by SROA/Mem2Reg, and any movement
of them may well confuse SROA or just cause unwanted code churn. It's not ideal
that the midend should be crippled like this, but that unwanted churn can
really cause significant regressions in important workloads (tsan).

$ cat foo.cpp
#include <map>

int test(unsigned *keys, std::map<int, int> &m_map)
  int i, last_index, sane=0;

  for (i=0, last_index = 0; i<100; i++)
      auto it = m_map.find(keys[last_index++]);
      if (it != m_map.end())
        sane += it->second;

  return sane;
$ clang++  foo.cpp -O3 -S -o out.s

--- good.s      2016-09-19 17:25:03.708062780 -0500
+++ bad.s       2016-09-19 17:25:26.584666253 -0500
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 _Z4testPjRNSt3__13mapIiiNS0_4lessIiEENS0_9allocatorINS0_4pairIKiiEEEEEE: //
 // BB#0:                                // %entry
        ldr     x9, [x1, #8]!
-       cbz     x9, .LBB0_9
+       cbz     x9, .LBB0_11
 // BB#1:                                // %for.body.preheader
        mov      x10, xzr
        mov      w8, wzr
@@ -14,40 +14,46 @@
                                         // =>This Loop Header: Depth=1
                                         //     Child Loop BB0_3 Depth 2
        ldr     w12, [x0, x10, lsl #2]
+       add     x10, x10, #1            // =1
        mov      x11, x1
        mov      x13, x9
 .LBB0_3:                                // %while.body.i.i.i
                                         //   Parent Loop BB0_2 Depth=1
                                         // =>  This Inner Loop Header: Depth=2
        ldr     w14, [x13, #28]
-       add     x15, x13, #8            // =8
        cmp             w14, w12
-       csel    x11, x11, x13, lt
-       csel    x13, x15, x13, lt
+    .LBB0_5
+// BB#4:                                // %if.else.i.i.i
+                                        //   in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=2
+       ldr     x13, [x13, #8]
+       cbnz    x13, .LBB0_3
+       b       .LBB0_6
+.LBB0_5:                                // %if.then.i.i.i
+                                        //   in Loop: Header=BB0_3 Depth=2
+       mov      x11, x13
        ldr             x13, [x13]
        cbnz    x13, .LBB0_3

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