There is no question or doubt that the SLF4J license (X11 or BSD) is
compatible with Apache Software License, that is (or at least should
be) an undisputed fact.

Log4j imports the SLF4J source code using subversion in an Ant task,
which is perfectly OK from a legal point of view as far as the ASF is
concerned. The *only* problem, and I insist on only, is that the
imported code is checked into our CVS. This is done mainly to keep
gump happy.

I'll ask the board on monday whether they'll allow us to do it. If
yes, then problem solved. Otherwise, there are two independent

1) The gump metadata for log4j is tweaked to fetch SLF4J code from
SVN. Thus, we would not need to store SLF4J code in CVS.

2) The license of the imported code is automatically converted to ASL
which would be legal as long as the copyright owners consent. (I

I'll go and ask the board and report back.

Ceki Gülcü

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