Hmm, while I was mavenizing the Chainsaw site content I was reading the notes about the VFS, DB and JMS support in Chainsaw again and realise that right now, Chainsaw is bundling the DB/JMS Receivers in the maven distribution. Due to hideous classloading rules, they won't work.

This is because the JMS and DB provider jars ( the implementation classes) are user specific, and need to be dropped in manually in the users plugins directory, and loaded via the PluginClassLoader that is created by Chainsaw. This means that the spec classes are loaded by the main classloader, but the child (provider) classes are in another, and they can't see each other.

For Chainsaw purposes therefore, we need to ship a stripped down version of the log4j-receivers jar that does not contain these, log4j- receivers-chainsaw...? This sounds like a job for the maven assembler plugin, but I'm a new to that.

Curt, do you have any suggestions as to the best way to handle this case? Chainsaw would need to declare it as a dependency I think?


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