It sometimes takes nearly a week for a small piece of mail (i.e a letter) to
get from Sydney to Melbourne (comparable from LA->San Fran).  I also had a
DHL package tracked via the web that spent more time in Sydney than it did
travelling from Amazon in Seattle through to Sydney PLUS the time taken to
move from Sydney to my office in Melbourne.  

What is even more amazing is that tracking a FedEx parcal via the web I saw
between 1 minute page refreshes my package status changed from "In Transit"
to "Signed for by XXXX", 15 seconds before our receptionist rang to say I
had a package at the front desk.

Paul Smith

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ceki Gülcü [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, 4 July 2003 8:31 AM
> To: Log4J Users List
> Subject: Re: Buying the manual from switzerland
> Scott,
> Thank you for your vote of confidence.
> In 99+ percent of cases, the packages we send arrive to destination in
> a timely fashion. If you stop to think about it, it is a remarkable
> technological feat by the post offices of the countries involved. We
> drop a package at our local post office in Lausanne, Switzerland on a
> Monday morning and the same package resurfaces the next Monday in
> Tuscaloosa, Alabama or in Tasmania, Australia. It just does, by
> magic. Pouff!!
> Although practically none of the packages we sent were lost, some were
> delayed. In one case that we were able to track down, it took over 3
> weeks for the book to arrive to Frankfurt which is just
> several hours train ride from Lausanne.  It appears that the book
> arrived to Frankfurt by *airplane* but was delayed by the German
> customs for two weeks. They charged the customer custom duty of
> about 1 Euro and 50 cents (approx. 1.75 USD). Meanwhile, the customer
> was irate with us because we failed to deliver on time. This actually
> happened several times with packets sent to Germany.
> At 05:07 PM 7/3/2003 -0400, you wrote:
> >I received my copy in about a week.  I have waited longer 
> from some us
> >vendors actually...  The service was quite prompt.  And the 
> book is very
> >useful and well written. Two thumbs up
> >
> >Scott
> --
> Ceki  For log4j documentation consider "The complete log4j manual"
>        ISBN: 2970036908 
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