Car@s colegas,

Tenho o prazer de anunciar a defesa da tese de doutorado do meu
estudante Newton Peron, no dia 20 de fevereiro às 10hs, no
IFCH/Unicamp, Campinas.
O título da tese é "(In)Completude Modal por (N)Matrizes Finitas", e a
banca será composta, além de mim, pelos seguintes professores:

Luis Fariñas del Cerro (IRIT, França)
Marcelo Finger (USP)
Cezar Mortari (UFSC)
Walter Carnielli (Unicamp)

Aproveito também para anunciar dois seminários que o importante
pesquisador  Luis Fariñas del Cerro vai ministrar no CLE/Unicamp,
Campinas, na próxima semana:

Seminário 1: Logical modeling of molecular interaction maps
Data: quarta-feira 19/02, às 16hs
The series of biochemical reactions that occur within a cell form what
we call Metabolic Pathways. Most of them can be quite intricate,
involving many proteins and enzymes. That is why logical
representations of such networks can help reason about them in
general, where the reasoning can range from answering some queries, to
completing missing nodes and arcs and finding inconsistencies. This
work proposes a new logical model based on a fragment of first order
logic capable of describing reactions that appear in a metabolic
network. We also propose an efficient automated deduction method that
can answer queries by deduction to predict reaction results or by
abductive reasoning to find reactions and protein states. This
automated deduction method is based on a translation procedure that
transforms first order formulas into quantifier free formulas.

Seminário 2: Capturing equilibrium models in modal logic
Data: quinta-feira 20/02, às 16hs
Here-and-there models and equilibrium models were investigated as a
semantical framework for answer-set programming by Pearce, Valverde,
Cabalar, Lifschitz, Ferraris and others. The semantics of equilibrium
logic is given in an indirect way: the notion of an equilibrium model
is defined in terms of quantification over here-and-there models. We
here give a direct semantics of equilibrium logic, stated for a modal
language embedding the language of equilibrium logic.

Um grande abraço,

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