Mensagem do Carlos Areces. Me parece uma ótima oportunidade!



---------- Forwarded message ----
Dear all,
    Hi! We are involved in the organization of an interesting event early
next year, and the deadline for application is getting close.  We noticed
that not many people from Brazil have applied, so perhaps it has not
received much advertising there.  I thought I would send you the info, in
case you want to circulate it among your students.   I wrote a short intro
in Portuguese, which is probably full of mistakes. You might want to check
it out before sending it (or delete it completely! :)).
    We believe this is a good opportunity, and we managed to secure funds
for grants, so there is a good chance of receiving one for anyone that
     Thank you in advance for your help, Carlos.

Somos um grupo de pesquisadores argentinos e uruguaios e convidamos você a
participar do Khipu em março de 2023 em Montevidéu! A Khipu 2023 é uma
escola latino-americana de inteligência artificial que trará professores,
pesquisadores e alunos de universidades e grandes empresas de tecnologia de
todo o mundo. Serão ministrados cursos e palestras sobre machine learning e
suas diversas áreas de aplicação. Khipu oferece muitas bolsas de viagem e é


Khipu 2023: Latin American Meeting in Artificial Intelligence

Call for participation

We are excited to announce that applications are now open for Khipu 2023!

Khipu will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 6th to 10th of March.

Our goal for Khipu is to strengthen the local research community by
fostering new collaborations, in both the local region and beyond, whilst
also providing important high level training opportunities. We’d love for
you to join us to make this our best event yet!

The event will have a summer school component with lectures on different
topics in machine learning complemented by practical coding sessions. It
will also host research talks, round tables and sessions where attendees
from academia and industry can come together to share their work. We have
an incredible list of speakers lined up, check them out in our webpage!

We believe participation equity is vital to our event, therefore
registration is free, and all participants can apply for travel and
accommodation financial support.

For more information about Khipu 2023 and how to apply, head to our website
Join our mailing list
slack community
and follow us on twitter
you don’t miss any of our latest event announcements.


October 14th 2022: Application deadline

November 11th 2022: Acceptance notifications

Apply through our website!

We look forward to seeing you at Khipu 2023!

Khipu organising committee




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