Dear colleagues,

Please find below, as well as in the attached documents, na updated call
for application for a Ph.D. scholarship in the history of mathematics.

The deadline to send your application to Karine Chemla and Patrick
Popescu-Pampu, who will serve as co-advisers, is *June 6th 2022** (*see
details below). Don't hesitate to get in touch with us and to circulate
this announcement broadly.

Please consult the new calendar in the documents here – in English
and in French

Moreover, the expected beginning of the contract is *October* *1st,* *2022*,
or shortly thereafter (and not September 1st, 2022, as previously

*Call for application for a full-time Ph.D. scholarship on the topic *

*Interactions* *between* *mathematics and the history of* *mathematics:*

*A historical approach based on the* *report by Alexander Brill* *&* *Max
Noether titled*

*Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und
neuerer Zeit* *(1894)*

Project of the Mission for Transversal and Interdisciplinary Initiatives

*Interactions between mathematics and the history of mathematics*:

Historical approaches and present-day perspectives


Karine Chemla <>
UMR 7219)

Patrick Popescu-Pampu <> (Laboratory
Paul Painlevé UMR 8524)

The collaborative project “Interactions between mathematics and the history
of mathematics: Historical approaches and present-day perspectives”, in which
a collective composed of historians and philosophers of mathematics as well
as mathematicians takes part, calls for applications for a Ph.D.

*General aims of the collaborative project*

The report that Alexander Brill and Max Noether published in 1894 under the
title *Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer
und neuerer Zeit* (which can be downloaded from this link
the center of our project. This book remains of interest for present-day
mathematicians. It also constitutes a remarkably interesting document for
historians and philosophers of mathematics interested in the history of the
history of mathematics, and in particular in the history of mathematics
practiced by 19th century mathematicians. Their common goal is to
understand how these mathematicians’ mathematical work *stricto sensu* meshed
with their historical researches.

Brill and Noether’s text has close to 500 pages, and it is a difficult read.
This is why it has to be the object of a collective work, which will
constitute the natural environment for the PhD student’s work. The project
aims to bring together a group of historians and philosophers of
mathematics as well as mathematicians to work on an annotated English
translation as well as a historical, philosophical and mathematical
analysis of *Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in
älterer und neuerer Zeit.* Our cooperation can help make available to
English readers an important work which, since its publication in 1894, has
become intellectually difficult to access and yet contains treasures for

*Die Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und
neuerer Zeit* offers a historical approach to algebraic functions that is
remarkably broad. It was composed in a context in which the German
Mathematical Society (DMV: Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung), founded in
1890, started the production of synthetic reports on different branches of
mathematics. Brill and Noether gave a genuinely deep historical treatment
of algebraic functions and their use in the study of algebraic curves and
abelian integrals—an ample generalization of elliptic integrals

What is the part played by the history of mathematics for these German
mathematicians who practice it extensively? First, how do they practice
history? How does the synthesis they aim at achieving require historical
reflection, and how does the latter underlie the practice of synthesis?
Finally, and most importantly, how does the historical work of these
mathematicians relate to their more purely mathematical research? These are
some of the key questions around which the collaborative project will
revolve. On the occasion of the work on Brill and Noether's report, the
members of the collective project will offer a historical reflection on the
impact that research on the history and philosophy of mathematics, on the
one hand, and mathematical research, on the other, have had on each other. *Die
Entwicklung der Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und neuerer
Zeit* by Brill and Noether is a broad and powerful historical and
philosophical reflection on a mathematical field that both authors
practiced. It is therefore natural to explore the links between their
historical and philosophical work and their mathematical research.

*Description* *of the subject of the Ph.D. dissertation/Activities* *and*
*Missions* *of the PhD candidate*

The present call for applications aims to support the Ph.D. research of a
doctoral student whose work will focus on *a part* of *Die Entwicklung der
Theorie der algebraischen Functionen in älterer und neuerer Zeit.* The
doctoral student will have to choose a significant part of the book to
write a thesis on. The following parts are *excluded* from the possible
choices: *Section I, subsections A-J; Section II, subsections A&B; Section
V, subsection C; Section X, subsections A-B-C*, since they are already
being handled by other members of the collective. The selected section will
be in the hands of the doctoral student, who will have full responsibility
for it.

The Ph.D. project will include an annotated translation of the part chosen.
For this purpose, the student will benefit from a unique scientific
environment for developing a fine reading of German texts. He or she will
be supported by a whole group of colleagues studying the same work (but not
on his or her own part).

The Ph.D. project will include a mathematical facet, with the explanation
of the part of the work treated using modern mathematics. The Ph.D. project
will also include some historical work that will serve as a basis for the
whole project. For instance, we will need to elucidate the contexts in
which the writing of this report was undertaken, the way in which Brill and
Noether worked on it, the way in which the report can be situated in their
careers, and the nature of the synthesis that the authors practiced. In
particular, we will have to determine to what extent their synthesis involved
or led to innovation. Finally, we will need to better understand how the
work is situated in relation to other reports commissioned by the DMV.

This Ph.D. thesis in the history of mathematics will thus be firmly rooted in
mathematics. The two advisers of the project being, respectively, a
historian of mathematics and a mathematician specialized in the study of
singularities of complex analytic varieties, they will be able to supervise
the doctoral student in the two aspects, historical and mathematical, of
his or her research work.

We also expect that the Ph.D. candidate takes part in the organization of
the project.

*Information* *on the* *contract and on the environment of the work*

Work place: Laboratory SPHERE, Université Paris Cité, Campus Grands Moulins

Type of contract: CDD Scientifique (Temporary scientific contract)

Sections of the CNRS National Committee : « Philosophie, littératures, arts
» et « Mathématiques et interactions des mathématiques »

Duration of the contract : 36 months

Expected beginning of the contract: September 1st, 2022, or shortly

Work load: full time work

Salary: around *1753* net euros monthly (amount that needs to be updated
when the contract is signed, and to which one must add the reimbursement of
half of the transportation expenses)

Expected Degree: Master

*Conditions for the job.*

Candidates applying for this Ph.D. scholarship must have at the beginning
of the doctoral contract a  *Master's degree or equivalent in
mathematics.* They
must also have a background in the *history of science*. Finally, it is
necessary that the candidates have *sufficient knowledge* *in* *reading
German* and that they be fluent in *English*. Students of all nationalities
are encouraged to apply.

The application file must be composed of the following documents:

   - a curriculum vitae, including—if applicable—a list of publications ;
   - a cover letter (2 pages maximum) in which it should appear clearly the
   contribution that the applicant aims to make to the project, and in
   particular the part of the report on which he or she intends to concentrate
   (with the exception of Section I, subsections A-J; Section II, subsections
   A&B; Section V, subsection C; Section X, subsections A-B-C, which were
   already dealt with by other members of the collective);
   - one or more recent scientific writings (publication, master's thesis
   or dissertation);
   - a copy of the most recent degree awarded;
   - the transcripts of the two years of master's degree;
   - the name and e-mail address of two scientific personalities who may be
   contacted to offer an opinion on the application.

The deadline to send your application to the Principal Investigators (see
below) is *May 26, 2022*. The deadline for applying on the CNRS website,
which we will indicate to you, is *May 28, 2022*. The position is to be
filled on or as soon as possible after September 1, 2022. Shortlisted
candidates will be notified by *June* *8* and they will be offered
interviews via Zoom or Skype between *June* *11* *and 19, 2022*. Results
will be announced immediately after the interviews are completed.

This PhD funding is granted for three years. The research will be jointly
directed by Karine Chemla and Patrick Popescu-Pampu. The PhD candidate will
be affiliated with the Ecole Doctorale 623 " Savoirs, Sciences, Education "
( of the Université Paris Cité. The candidate will
have to fulfill all the conditions required by this institution for a
registration in the Graduate School.

The applications should be sent only by e-mail to Karine Chemla : and to Patrick Popescu-Pampu : <>

It is highly recommended to ask for an acknowledgement that your
application was duly received.

Gisele Dalva Secco
UFSM/Brasil <>
+55 55 3220 8440
PhilPeople <>

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