Re: [Logica-l] votação eletrônica de classificação de periódicos da área de lógica

2016-06-17 Por tôpico Hermógenes Oliveira

O período de votação terminou.

O resultado pode ser conferido em

Com apenas 19 votos contabilizados, o resultado dificilmente pode ser
tomado como representativo da comunidade de lógica brasileira, mas
talvez possa revelar algo de interessante.


Hermógenes Oliveira

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[Logica-l] Re: fundamentalistas cristãos versus os fundamentos da teoria dos conjuntos

2016-06-17 Por tôpico 'Samuel Gomes' via LOGICA-L
... Tenho vontade de perguntar aos matemáticos(?) que escrevem os "A Beta 
Books" se a Hipótese do Contínuo é
verdadeira ou falsa, só pra ver o que respondem - ou esperar pela 
excomungação, um ritual de exorcismo ou o que seja.


[]s  Samuel

On Friday, June 17, 2016 at 2:35:29 PM UTC-3, Joao Marcos wrote:
> Deu o que falar, algum tempo atrás, o fato de que algumas escolas da 
> Louisiana receberam verba pública para implementar um "bible based 
> curriculum". Muitas barbaridades (incluindo revisionismo da escravatura e 
> da Ku Klux Klan) entraram nos livros de história desse pessoal. A 
> militância cristã também demonstrou que a *matemática* tinha áreas em 
> desacordo com os seus princípios. Fiquei surpreso em constatar que os 
> livros deles continuam sendo promovidos:
> * * *
> Mathematics as “the study of logic and order to apply to science and daily 
> life”:
> “Unlike the 'modern math' theorists, who believe that mathematics is a 
> creation of man and thus arbitrary and relative, A Beka Book teaches that 
> the laws of mathematics are a creation of God and thus absolute… A Beka 
> Book provides attractive, legible, and workable traditional mathematics 
> texts that are not burdened with modern theories such as set theory.”
> * * *
> Felizmente sabemos que no Brasil ao menos o estado de AL estaria em 
> princípio protegido (?!) contra este tipo de doutrinação:
> É de se prever que outras "escolas livres" infelizmente virão, pagas com 
> dinheiro público... Quando eu der aula de Teoria dos Conjuntos, semestre 
> que vem, espero não ser acusado de c***tofobia...
> * * *
> Cometi o despropósito de dar uma olhada no que a Conservapedia ("Wiki 
> encyclopaedia with articles written from a Christian fundamentalist 
> viewpoint") tem a dizer sobre Lógica. Tudo parece oquêi, com exceção de 
> umas frases mais surpreendentes (?) jogadas no meio do verbete 
> correspondente:
> "The most logical book ever written is the Bible, but some people reject 
> or avoid it because they dislike being told the truth, and would prefer 
> denying it."
> [...]
> "Logic is also used extensively in theology, and especially the study of 
> the Bible, which, due to its divine inspiration, is very logical."
> Mas a gente sempre aprende alguma coisa, como por exemplo a explicação de 
> que o argumento transcendental para a existência de Deus (Kant, apropriado 
> pela apologética cristã) ensina entre outras coisas que:
> "logic would be meaningless if there wasn't a God"
> Deve-se resistir, contudo, a ir um clique além, para não descobrir demais 
> sobre "the laws of logic and the christian worldview":
> ou descobrir que Deus nunca viola as "três leis da lógica", que são 
> "assumidas pelas escrituras":
> * * *
> Para não terminar em um tom demasiado pessimista, aqui uma aulinha bonita 
> TED-Ed do Dennis Wildfogel sobre "How big is infinity?":
> JM

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[Logica-l] fundamentalistas cristãos versus os fundamentos da teoria dos conjuntos

2016-06-17 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
Deu o que falar, algum tempo atrás, o fato de que algumas escolas da
Louisiana receberam verba pública para implementar um "bible based
curriculum". Muitas barbaridades (incluindo revisionismo da escravatura e
da Ku Klux Klan) entraram nos livros de história desse pessoal. A
militância cristã também demonstrou que a *matemática* tinha áreas em
desacordo com os seus princípios. Fiquei surpreso em constatar que os
livros deles continuam sendo promovidos:

* * *

Mathematics as “the study of logic and order to apply to science and daily

“Unlike the 'modern math' theorists, who believe that mathematics is a
creation of man and thus arbitrary and relative, A Beka Book teaches that
the laws of mathematics are a creation of God and thus absolute… A Beka
Book provides attractive, legible, and workable traditional mathematics
texts that are not burdened with modern theories such as set theory.”

* * *

Felizmente sabemos que no Brasil ao menos o estado de AL estaria em
princípio protegido (?!) contra este tipo de doutrinação:

É de se prever que outras "escolas livres" infelizmente virão, pagas com
dinheiro público... Quando eu der aula de Teoria dos Conjuntos, semestre
que vem, espero não ser acusado de c***tofobia...

* * *

Cometi o despropósito de dar uma olhada no que a Conservapedia ("Wiki
encyclopaedia with articles written from a Christian fundamentalist
viewpoint") tem a dizer sobre Lógica. Tudo parece oquêi, com exceção de
umas frases mais surpreendentes (?) jogadas no meio do verbete

"The most logical book ever written is the Bible, but some people reject or
avoid it because they dislike being told the truth, and would prefer
denying it."
"Logic is also used extensively in theology, and especially the study of
the Bible, which, due to its divine inspiration, is very logical."

Mas a gente sempre aprende alguma coisa, como por exemplo a explicação de
que o argumento transcendental para a existência de Deus (Kant, apropriado
pela apologética cristã) ensina entre outras coisas que:
"logic would be meaningless if there wasn't a God"

Deve-se resistir, contudo, a ir um clique além, para não descobrir demais
sobre "the laws of logic and the christian worldview":
ou descobrir que Deus nunca viola as "três leis da lógica", que são
"assumidas pelas escrituras":

* * *

Para não terminar em um tom demasiado pessimista, aqui uma aulinha bonita
TED-Ed do Dennis Wildfogel sobre "How big is infinity?":


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[Logica-l] Fwd: Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF2016) - CFP

2016-06-17 Por tôpico Joao Marcos
Vale notar que o XIX SBMF será o quarto evento desta série a ser
realizado em Natal!


-- Forwarded message --

[Apologies should you receive multiple copies of this call.]

 SBMF === SBMF === SBMF === SBMF === SBMF
=== SBMF === SBMF ===


19th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF)

Promoted by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)

21st to 25th of November, 2016
Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil

 SBMF === SBMF === SBMF === SBMF === SBMF
=== SBMF === SBMF ===


Abstract Submission Deadline: July 15, 2016
Paper Submission Deadline: July 23, 2016
Paper Acceptance Notification: September 9, 2016
Paper Camera-ready Version: September 16, 2016


SBMF 2016 is the nineteenth of a series of events devoted to the
development, dissemination and use of formal methods for the
construction of high-quality computational systems. It is now a
well-established event, with an international reputation.

SBMF 2016 will take place in Natal, the capital of the state Rio
Grande do Norte, that is located in the northeast region in Brazil.
Natal is a portal of entry to South America: near to the point closest
to Europe and Africa. Natal is a modern and lively town that emerged
between a river and the sea; it is adorned by dunes and lots of green
areas: a land of colours and flavours, where you find leisure and
adventure. In Natal, it is Summer all year round, in a unique
coastline of breathtaking beaches, lakes, wilderness, culinary, tours,
art and culture, together with the great natural hospitality of its

Natal is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. It
has around 800,000 inhabitants and receives more than 2 million / year
tourists from Brazil and abroad. Visitors are dazzled by  more than
400 km of Atlantic Coast strolling through beautiful beaches, many of
which visited in thrilling buggy rides between sea, dunes and lagoons.
It is known as the "Sun City", and is also remembered as "World Buggy
Capital" and "Land of Shrimp". Natal is the city where a brazilian
dance, called Forró - "For All" - was born.

The aim of SBMF is to provide a venue for the presentation and
discussion of high-quality work in formal methods. The topics include,
but are not limited to, the following:

* techniques and methodologies, such as method integration; software
and hardware co-design; model-driven engineering; formal aspects of
popular methodologies; formal design; development methodologies with
formal foundations; software evolution based on formal methods;

* specification and modeling languages, such as well-founded
specification and design languages; formal aspects of popular
languages; logics and semantics for programming and specification
languages; code generation; formal methods and models for objects,
aspects, component-based, real-time, hybrid, critical, and
service-oriented systems;

* theoretical foundations, such as domain theory; type systems and
category theory; computational complexity of methods and models;
computational models; term rewriting; models of concurrency, security
and mobility;

* verification and validation, such as abstraction, modularization and
refinement techniques; program and test synthesis; correctness by
construction; model checking; theorem proving; static analysis; formal
techniques for software testing; software certification; formal
techniques for software inspection;

* education, such as teaching of, for and with formal methods;

* applications, such as experience reports on the use of formal
methods; industrial case studies; tool support.


Papers with a strong emphasis on Formal Methods, whether practical or
theoretical, are invited for submission. They should present
unpublished and original work that has a clear contribution to the
state of the art on the theory and practice of formal methods. They
should not be simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Papers will be judged by at least three reviewers on the basis of
originality, relevance, technical soundness and presentation quality
and should contain sound theoretical or practical results. Industry
papers should emphasize practical application of formal methods or
report on open challenges.

Contributions should be written in English and be prepared using
Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. Papers may
not exceed 16 pages (including figures, references and appendix).
Accepted papers will be published, after the conference, in a volume
of LNCS.

Every accepted paper MUST have at least one author registered in the
symposium by the time the camera-ready copy is submitted; the
registered author is also expected to attend the symposium and present
the paper.

Papers can be submitted via the following link:


Prof. Dr. Michael Leuschel