Re: [Logica-l] Presheaves

2019-09-06 Por tôpico Francisco Miraglia Neto
Caro Regivan,

Há muitos exemplos. Primeiro uma observação: todo perfeixe sobre um espaço 
topológico pode ser reescrito na abordagem proposta por Fourman e Scott (isto é 
meio imediato). 

1. 0 exemplo mais standard é o prefeixe, P, das funções reais contínuas e 
limitadas sobre a reta. 
A função x^2 é colagem de limitadas, mas não é seção global de P.  

2. Como generalização de (1), podemos tomar funções contínuas f, de um espaço 
topológico X em um espaço topológico Y, tal que o fecho da imagem de f é 
compacto em Y (X e Y Hausdorff, X não compacto)

3. Em geral, muitas construções originam-se em prefeixe, que depois são 
“completadas”  para feixes. Um exemplo é a construção de Grothendieck do 
prefeixe associado a um anel comutativo: na realidade o prefeixe é construído, 
originalmente apenas sobre abertos básicos da topologia de Zariski. 

4. Seja X um espaço Hausdorff, com base de abertos e fechados e não compacto 
(e.g. , retire apenas um ponto do espaço de Cantor, ou mais geralmente um 
fechado raro). 
O prefeixe Q das funções localmente constantes e de imagem finita de X em 
qualquer conjunto infinito A é um prefeixe que não é um feixe. Este exemplo é, 
claro, parente de (1) e (2). Aqui lembre-se que o complemento do ponto retirado 
do conjunto de Cantor é união disjunta enumerável de abertos e fechados não 

Um grande abraço,

Chico Miraglia 

> On 6 Sep 2019, at 10:06, Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago  
> wrote:
> Caríssimos,
> alguém conhece um exemplo de um presheaf que não seja um Sheaves. 
> Gostaria de um exemplo que  não fosse abordado categoricamente, 
> mas que seguisse a abordagem proposta pelo Scott e o Fourman.
> Regivan
> **
> Prof. Dr. Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago
> Group for Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications - LoLITA
> Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics - DIMAp
> Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
> Avenida Senador Salgado Filho, 3000,
> Campus Universitario, Lagoa Nova, 59.078-970, Natal, RN, Brasil
> Caixa Postal: 1679
> Phone: +55 84 3215-3814 Ext. 211
> Fax:  +55 84 3215-3813
> e-mail: regivan AT DOMAIN=dimap,ufrn,br.
> Curriculum Lattes-CNPq
> **
> -- 
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[Logica-l] Presheaves

2019-09-06 Por tôpico Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago

alguém conhece um exemplo de um presheaf que não seja um Sheaves.
Gostaria de um exemplo que  não fosse abordado categoricamente,
mas que seguisse a abordagem proposta pelo Scott e o Fourman.


*Prof. Dr. Regivan Hugo Nunes Santiago*
Group for Logic, Language, Information, Theory and Applications - LoLITA
Department of Informatics and Applied Mathematics - DIMAp
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN
Avenida Senador Salgado Filho, 3000,
Campus Universitario, Lagoa Nova, 59.078-970, Natal, RN, Brasil
Caixa Postal: 1679
Phone: +55 84 3215-3814 Ext. 211
Fax:  +55 84 3215-3813
e-mail: regivan AT DOMAIN=dimap,ufrn,br.

Curriculum Lattes-CNPq


Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos 
Grupos do Google.
Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um 
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Para ver esta discussão na web, acesse

[Logica-l] Main CFP CPP 2020 - Certified Programs and Proofs

2019-09-06 Por tôpico Mauricio Ayala-Rincon

## CFP for Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP 2020) ##

Certified Programs and Proofs (CPP) is an international conference on
practical and theoretical topics in all areas that consider
certification as an essential paradigm for their work. Certification
here means formal, mechanized verification of some sort, preferably
with the production of independently checkable certificates.
CPP spans areas of computer science, mathematics, logic, and education.

CPP 2020 will be held on 20-21 January 2020 in New Orleans, Louisiana,
United States and will be co-located with POPL 2020. CPP 2020 is
sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGLOG.

For more information about this edition and the CPP series please visit:

### News

- Submission guideline news: **lightweight double-blind reviewing process**
and **unrestricted appendices** that don't count against the page limit

- Delighted to announce that the **invited speakers** for CPP 2020 will be:
Adam Chlipala (MIT CSAIL) and Grigore Rosu (UIUC and Runtime Verification)

- CPP 2020 will also host the **POPLmark 15 Year Retrospective Panel**

### Important Dates

- Abstract Deadline: 16 October 2019 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h)
- Paper Submission Deadline: 21 October 2019 at 23:59 AoE (UTC-12h)
- Notification: 27 November 2019
- Camera Ready Deadline: 20 December 2019
- Conference: 20 - 21 January 2020

Deadlines expire at the end of the day, anywhere on earth. Abstract
and submission deadlines are tight and there will be **no extensions**.

### Topics of Interest

We welcome submissions in research areas related to formal
certification of programs and proofs. The following is a
non-exhaustive list of topics of interests to CPP:

- certified or certifying programming, compilation, linking, OS
kernels, runtime systems, and security monitors;
- certified mathematical libraries and mathematical theorems;
- proof assistants (e.g, ACL2, Agda, Coq, Dafny, F*, HOL,
HOL-Light, Idris, Isabelle, Lean, Mizar, Nuprl, PVS, etc)
- new languages and tools for certified programming;
- program analysis, program verification, and program synthesis;
- program logics, type systems, and semantics for certified code;
- logics for certifying concurrent and distributed systems;
- mechanized metatheory, formalized programming language semantics,
and logical frameworks;
- higher-order logics, dependent type theory, proof theory,
logical systems, separation logics, and logics for security;
- verification of correctness and security properties;
- formally verified blockchains and smart contracts;
- certificates for decision procedures, including linear algebra,
polynomial systems, SAT, SMT, and unification in algebras of interest;
- certificates for semi-decision procedures, including equality,
first-order logic, and higher-order unification;
- certificates for program termination;
- formal models of computation;
- mechanized (un)decidability and computational complexity proofs;
- user interfaces for proof assistants and theorem provers;
- original formal proofs of known results in math or computer science;
- teaching mathematics and computer science with proof assistants.

### Program Committee Members

- Jasmin Christian Blanchette (VU Amsterdam, Netherlands -- co-chair)
- Catalin Hritcu (Inria Paris, France -- co-chair)
- Nada Amin (Harvard University - USA)
- Jesús María Aransay Azofra (Universidad de La Rioja - Spain)
- Mauricio Ayala-Rincon (Universidade de Brasilia - Brazil)
- Liron Cohen (Cornell University - USA)
- Dominique Devriese (Vrije Universiteit Brussel - Belgium)
- Jean-Christophe Filliâtre (CNRS - France)
- Adam Grabowski (University of Bialystok - Poland)
- Warren Hunt (University of Texas - USA)
- Ori Lahav (Tel Aviv University - Israel)
- Peter Lammich (The University of Manchester - UK)
- Dominique Larchey-Wendling (Univ. de Lorraine, CNRS, LORIA - France)
- Hongjin Liang (Nanjing University - China)
- Assia Mahboubi (Inria and VU Amsterdam - France)
- Cesar Munoz (NASA - USA)
- Vivek Nigam (fortiss GmbH - Germany)
- Benjamin Pierce (University of Pennsylvania - USA)
- Vincent Rahli (University of Luxembourg, SnT - Luxembourg)
- Christine Rizkallah (UNSW Sydney - Australia)
- Ilya Sergey (Yale-NUS College and National University of Singapore)
- Kathrin Stark (Saarland University - Germany)
- Nikhil Swamy (Microsoft Research - USA)
- Nicolas Tabareau (Inria - France)
- Dmitriy Traytel (ETH Zürich - Switzerland)
- Floris van Doorn (University of Pittsburgh - USA)
- Akihisa Yamada (National Institute of Informatics - Japan)
- Roberto Zunino (University of Trento - Italy)

### Submission Guidelines

Prior to the paper submission deadline, the authors should upload their
**anonymized** paper in PDF format through the HotCRP system at

Submissions must be written in English and provide sufficient detail
to allow the program committee to assess the merits of the paper.

Submitted papers must be formatted