>>>>> "MF" == Mark Fowler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    MF> 2) Got any nice bits of your .emacs file to share?

My only foray into elisp was this chunk:

----/ Start /----
;; This revert function does not prompt.
;; Use a `permenant-local' buffer local variable to allow the function
;; to be switched on once per file; this will prevent accidental
;; damage to important files.
(defvar first-call-to-revert t
  "By default we do not allow serious buffer reverting")
(put 'first-call-to-revert 'permanent-local t)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'first-call-to-revert)

(defun abw-revert-buffer ()
 "Serious, unprompting revert-buffer"
    (if first-call-to-revert
        (if (y-or-n-p "Enable serious revert buffer ? ")
              (revert-buffer t t)
              (message "Buffer reverted")
              (setq first-call-to-revert nil)))
        (revert-buffer t t)
        (message "Buffer reverted")))))

-----/ End /-----

You then bind 'abw-revert-buffer' toa handy key, and have an
ask-first-time-only buffer reverting thing. I daresay there's on option
for this now, but hey !

 - Adam

PS: If anyone out there is sick enough to use the folding editor
     extension to emacs, I have lots of hand crafted glue to make it
     play nicely with font-lock ...

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