Re: MIME stuff - Am I missing something?

2001-05-22 Thread Gareth Harper

From: "Dominic Mitchell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 03:06:39PM +0100, Barbie wrote:
> > From: "Robert Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > From: Roger Burton West [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > >
> > > > man 1 file
> > > > man 5 magic
> > > > less /usr/share/misc/magic # on many systems
> > > >
> > >
> > > except anything written my MS of course...
> >
> > Which is precisely what this install of ActivePerl sits on. Luckily I
have a
> > Linux box too :)
> It's worth grabbing the master copy of the magic database.  I've found
> that some Linux ones (and even more so on Solaris) tend to be a bit
> incomplete.

Also sites like contain lots of info on file formats.


Good Accountants

2001-04-26 Thread Gareth Harper

Can any of you contractor types recoomend a good accountant, as the one I
was using (a friend of the family) suggested that I use an accountant who
was more familiar with the IT contracting business, as he was more suited to
much larger companies.

Gareth Harper


2001-04-04 Thread Gareth Harper

- Original Message -
From: "Philip Newton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: Re:

> Robin Szemeti wrote:
> > hmmm does that mean if I type :
> >
> > begin 777 wibble
> > M>here is some really interesting stuff that outlook wont see
> >
> > end
> Apparently not, at least, not in my version of Outlook. (However, is the
> correct? The line looks a bit short. And I believe the line before the end
> should contain either a space or a backtick, to show "no more characters".
> However, apparently Outlook Express is not so finicky, and there are a few
> people on German-speaking Usenet who take advantage of that, by beginning
> their posts (or signatures) with
>begin  virus.exe
>and ending them with "end" and enjoying the wails of OE users "I can't see
>your posting! There's just an attachment that won't decode!" or something
>like that.

OK Now stop this, I'm having to save all these emails and then opening them
in a text editor just to see this, grrr.

Gareth Harper

Re: Test from uuencode boy

2001-04-04 Thread Gareth Harper

>- Original Message -
>Sent: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 2:41 PM
>Subject: Test from uuencode boy
>test.  can you read this one, or is it attached?  This is in Microsoft
>Outlook Rich Text.  The previous mails have been sent in Plain Text.

I recieved that one as the usual signature main body, with 2 attachments
this time, one plain text signature (again), and an attatched rtf file with
the main body..

Outlook express (until I can get my adsl online with linux)

Gareth Harper

Re: Web Server Configuration

2001-04-02 Thread Gareth Harper

- Original Message -
From: "David Cantrell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Web Server Configuration

> On Mon, Apr 02, 2001 at 09:45:59PM +0100, Dave Cross wrote:
> > As it`s not in my cgi-bin directory I`d expect to be shown the source of
> > the script when I access this page. Instead the web server tries to run
> > script (and gives an error as the execute flag is not set). Even right
> > clicking on a link and choosing `save as` seems to execute the script
> > rather than delivering the source.
> I do hope that you were acting the stupid-user role there ;-)  Of *course*
> it does the same thing regardless of which mouse button you use.  They're
> all GET requests, the choice of mouse button just makes the browser behave
> in a different manner.

I had to look at the date on Dave's email here, as I thought this smelled
horribly like an april fools joke.

Gareth Harper

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Gareth Harper

- Original Message -
From: "Robert Shiels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6:47 PM
Subject: Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

> .tar.gz - wtf is that, why isn't there a zip file.
> People keep misunderstanding this point: just because someone is using
> windows/mac doesn't make them a moron. They may well be, but I know quite
> few unix morons too. It is a different skillset.

True and also winzip makes the tar.gz file have a nice little zip icon, just
like a .zip file, so they won't actually know the difference.


Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Gareth Harper

- Original Message -
From: "Robin Szemeti" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 3:06 PM
Subject: Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

> On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, you wrote:
> apart from that the benfits of running as a Limited Company are large
> (ish) assuming you can escape from the clutches of IR35. by careful
> handling of the way you do things your overall tax and NIC burden can be
> 'effectivley managed' and you should see 80~85% of what you earn actually
> ending up in your pocket.

but iosn;t the same true when acting as a Sole Trader ?  You still invoice
people as you would as a Limited Company (I asked an accountant friend of
mine for advice and he suggested I go with Sole Trader which is why I'm


Gareth Harper

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Gareth Harper

- Original Message -
From: "Robert Shiels" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

> > - Original Message -
> > From: "Jonathan Stowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Dave Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >
> > > > * Bundling. Need to build gzipped tarballs of our new versions (I
> > > guess
> > > > this should be built on top of the CVS stuff). Matt makes pkzipped
> > > > versions avaiable as well - so should we.
> >
> > Winzip (what most windows users these days use to unzip) handlers tar.gz
> by
> > default so that may not be neccesary.
> If all the files are created in unix, they may well not have \n\r at the
> of the lines, which make them a bugger to edit in notepad (wordpad and
> edit handle them OK though.) So I think the archive should have windows
> versions of the text files that work in notepad.

CVS (I use GNU winCVS in windows) handles all these conversions for you, but
if someone wants to download a zip (whatever format) or a certain script (or
doesn't care about CVS) then the zip will need to contain the \n\r.

Re: Matt's Scripts Projects

2001-03-20 Thread Gareth Harper

- Original Message -
From: "Jonathan Stowe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Dave Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> > * Bundling. Need to build gzipped tarballs of our new versions (I
> guess
> > this should be built on top of the CVS stuff). Matt makes pkzipped
> > versions avaiable as well - so should we.
> >
> This should probably done on the CVS server.

Winzip (what most windows users these days use to unzip) handlers tar.gz by
default so that may not be neccesary.

On a completely off topic note I'm appealing to the contractors among you
here.  Those of you who have yor own company.  Did you set yourselves up as
a Limited Company, or as a Sole Trader.  If you set yourself up as a limited
company did/do you have liability insurance etc.

Gareth Harper

RE: server money

2001-02-21 Thread Gareth . Harper
Title: RE: server money

What are your account details

> -Original Message-
> From: alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 21 February 2001 15:15
> Subject: server money
> right, time to harvest some money
> so far i have two donation in hand, making 100 pounds, with another
> promised, so that makes 150 - a couple more and it would be 
> more worth it
> (no point in debating again what to buy yet).
> so if there's any more people who'd like a prestigious account on the
> server, either send me a cheque, transfer the money into my
> account, or bring the money to the axkit talk tomorrow.
> 50 pounds each
> cheers,
> alex

RE: Penderel Configuration

2001-02-15 Thread Gareth . Harper

I notice you don't have Symbol::Approx::Sub installed ;)

On a side note, now I've figured out how to send proper plain text mail,
anyone know how I can tell outlook to prefix replies with > or likewise ??

Thanks Gareth

-Original Message-
From: Robin Houston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 15 February 2001 15:49
Subject: Re: Penderel Configuration

On Thu, Feb 15, 2001 at 03:26:27PM -, Robert Shiels wrote:
> I'd like to know which perl modules are already installed.

Add this handy alias to your ~/.bashrc and you'll be able to
find out whenever you like :-)

alias lsmodules='perldoc -m perllocal | perl -nle '\''print $1 if
/L<(.*?)>/'\'' | sort -u | column'

Output follows.


Apache::AuthCookie  Digest::MD5 Parse::Yapp
Apache::DB  Getopt::LongSet::Object
Apache::DBI HTML::ParserStorable
Apache::Reload  HTML::TagsetTangram
Apache::Session libwww-perl Text::Autoformat
Apache::Stage   libxml-enno Tie::IxHash
AppConfig   libxml-perl URI
CGI MIME::Base64XML::Parser
Data::ShowTable mod_perlXML::RSS
Date::Manip Msql-Mysql-modules  XML::XPath
Devel::Symdump  Net::IRC

RE: Amazon Sales Rank

2001-02-01 Thread Gareth . Harper
Title: RE: Amazon Sales Rank

I've noticed a few (quiet) complaints about it on the list, so I thought I'd apologise, even though it's not my fault and (barring getting an external email address, which is going to happen soon) theres nothing I can do about it.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 February 2001 13:40
Subject: Re: Amazon Sales Rank

On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 01:40:08PM -, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I thought you were boycotting/not paying any attention to amazon ?
> PS I apologise for the html mails, the client here is set up to send out
> plain text, and my internal mails come out as plain text, but some stupid
> idiot has our smtp server / exchange server set up to convert ALL outgoing
> mails to html :(

This one came with both text and html components, so it wouldn't
have been noticeable unless you mentioned it :)


RE: Amazon Sales Rank

2001-02-01 Thread Gareth . Harper
Title: RE: Amazon Sales Rank

I thought you were boycotting/not paying any attention to amazon ?

PS I apologise for the html mails, the client here is set up to send out plain text, and my internal mails come out as plain text, but some stupid idiot has our smtp server / exchange server set up to convert ALL outgoing mails to html :(

-Original Message-
From: Dave Cross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 01 February 2001 13:35
Subject: Amazon Sales Rank

Data Munging with Perl
by David Cross Sales Rank: 760

Blimey, how did that happen? Yesterday it was 87,867!



2001-01-29 Thread Gareth . Harper
Title: HTML:Parser

I've just installed HTML::Parser on a machine here.  It passed all of make, make test and make install fine. (output from make test pasted)

bash-2.02$ make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /usr/bin/perl -Iblib/arch -Iblib/lib -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503/sun4-solaris -I/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.00503

 -e 'use Test::Harness qw(&runtests $verbose); $verbose=0; runtests @ARGV;' t/*.t
t/uentities.skipping test on this platform
All tests successful, 1 test skipped.
Files=30,  Tests=147, 48 wallclock secs (40.17 cusr +  5.53 csys = 45.70 CPU)

Then when I try to use it in the following file (which is a quick paste from lwpcook, with some changes to make it work in new seperate version of HTML::Parser) 

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use HTML::Parser;

my %link_elements =
   'a'    => 'href',
   'img'  => 'src',
   'form' => 'action',
   'link' => 'href',
  my $BASE = "";
  my $parser = HTML::Parser->new();
  my $h = $parser->parse_file("/export/home/gharper/0,10225,1_1547_2168,00.htm");
  $h->traverse(\&expand_urls, 1);

  print $h->as_HTML;

  sub expand_urls
 my($e, $start) = @_;
 return 1 unless $start;
 my $attr = $link_elements{$e->tag};
 return 1 unless defined $attr;
 my $url = $e->attr($attr);
 return 1 unless defined $url;
 $e->attr($attr, url($url, $BASE)->abs->as_string);

The output I get from this is

Can't locate auto/HTML/Parser/ in @INC (@INC contains the followinng paths )

the paths arse set up correctly and pointing at where I installed the module, so I'm stumped.  Does anyone have any ideas ?

Gareth Harper


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RE: Hardware Upgrade Fund

2001-01-19 Thread Gareth Harper
Title: RE: Hardware Upgrade Fund

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm quite happy to provide some money, but I'd much prefer to do a direct bank cash transfer (through online banking) I don't know if you'd want to publicise your bank acvcount details on the list, but if this is all going ahead and you don't mind transfers then can you send me your bank details and I'll set up the transfer.  if anyone else is interested in that then I'd suggest to keep the traffic off the list then email alex in person.

-Original Message-
From: alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 January 2001 12:42
Subject: Re: Hardware Upgrade Fund

On Fri, 19 Jan 2001, Dave Cross wrote:
> Thanks for the offer. I'm more that happy to take you up on it.

no problems.

> How soon do you think you can have a list of the kinds of hardware
> that you want to buy? That would give us an estimate of how many new
> donors we're looking for.

I'd prefer to do it the other way round if you don't mind, and say you
have just one month to send a cheque for 50 pounds made out to C A McLean
[1] to state51, 8 rhoda street, bethnal green, e2 7ef , or brought along
to the next social or technical meeting.

At the end of the month I'll let you all know what money we have and we
can then decide what to do with it.


[1] My first name is actually Christopher, but handily my parents changed
their minds after registering my birth and decided to call me by my middle

PS The guy with the tennants extra broke in to another part of the
building and caused some damage to a couple of studios :( it seems that he
couldn't find anything to steal, but still, not nice.

Snack pastries are dramatic when shapes are combined

RE: (OT-ish) whois

2001-01-18 Thread Gareth Harper
Title: RE: (OT-ish) whois


-Original Message-
From: Bates, Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2001 12:03
Subject: RE: (OT-ish) whois



Duncan Bates
Proxicom UK
Tel: 020 7321 3812
Mobile: 07884 336 532

RE: (OT-ish) whois

2001-01-18 Thread Gareth Harper
Title: RE: (OT-ish) whois

others to check (something wierd is happenening there)

thats just a quick look through of some obvious ones

-Original Message-
From: Bates, Duncan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2001 11:53
Subject: RE: (OT-ish) whois



Duncan Bates
Proxicom UK
Tel: 020 7321 3812
Mobile: 07884 336 532

RE: (OT-ish) whois

2001-01-18 Thread Gareth Harper
Title: RE: (OT-ish) whois has a load

-Original Message-
From: Mike Chamberlain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2001 11:54
Subject: RE: (OT-ish) whois

> On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 11:22:45AM +, Robin Houston wrote:
> > 
> > but
> > 
> > 
> > is quite a good explanation of what's happened :-)
> Yeah, this was NTKed some time ago.  The names may have 
> changed but the
> principle is the same.


Anyone spotted any others?


RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Gareth Harper
Title: RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

there are sites with all the no1's, but I don't know of any with all the top tens, theres probably one around, if not, start one ;)

-Original Message-
From: Dave Cross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 January 2001 15:59
Subject: Re: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

At 17 Jan 2001 15:54:31 +, Steve Mynott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dave Cross <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Anyone know a site that lists UK top tens for the 1980s?
> I don't but there is a excellent book called something like the
> "Guiness Book of Hit Singles".

Yeah. Great book. I should buy a copy. But new editions come out every
year and I just know that I'd end up buying every edition once I 

This is just the kind of stuff that _should_ be on the web.


RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

2001-01-17 Thread Gareth Harper
Title: RE: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

Joe Dolce Shaddap ya face

-Original Message-
From: Dave Cross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 January 2001 12:03
Subject: Re: Feelers for London Open Source Convention

At Wed, 17 Jan 2001 12:00:57 +, James Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This means nothing to me, ohhh...

True pop fact: Vienna never made it to number one in the UK. It was help at number two for weeks, by Another Record.

Pop quiz: A pint on Thursday night to the first person to tell me what Another Record was.
