----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Mison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2001 3:54 PM
Subject: Re: FMD (was Re: London.pm List Weekly Summary 2001-05-21)

> >So a program of vaccination and slaughter to erradicate the disease will
> >firstly benefit the tourist industry and then also the meat market.  Not
> >that I am a big fan of farmers or the countryside alliance types (and
> >is being generous) but I think it would be the best solution all
> >round.  Ooo
> >ar.
> No, because the sheer amount of fuss made over F&M clobbered the
> tourist industry- possibly for years, although this is admittely
> anecdotal and predictive- whereas if we'd quietly vaccinated, accepted
> no meat exports for a year

Or until there were no vaccinated or infected animals left in the UK,
whichever came later.

>...and then let the farming industry get back
> on its feet, we'd not have had to kill *three million* animals, and
> poison water, and close footpaths, and the tourist industry wouldn't
> have suffered the way it has over the last couple of months. So, why
> insist on the 'slaughter' bit?

Good idea, maybe a polite memo should have been sent to the all the tabloids
asking them to keep quiet about it :-)

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