RE: Much Coolness XML Wise.

2001-01-09 Thread Jonathan Peterson

> How does the output compare to XML::Simple::XMLout() ?

I found XML::Simple::XMLout() to be deeply yucky, as it kind of randomly
chooses to go for sub elements or attributes based on phases of the moon*.
Also, it will happily output invalid XML if you have invalid data in your
datastructure. Also it dies if given recursive structures. And it doesn't do
binary data.

I've found XML::Writer to be OK, although it doesn't do an 'export this data
structure as XML' thing. You could use it write your own though. Or use
XML::Dumper, I guess.

*Something like all single nested items are made into attributes, or, if you
prefer, nothing is made into attributes. Ick.

Re: Much Coolness XML Wise.

2001-01-09 Thread Mike Wyer

On Mon, 8 Jan 2001, Dean S Wilson wrote:

>I've been involved in the debates on this list about Perl and Java and
>I'd thought I'd say something nice for once.
>I've just spent three hours playing with XML::Generator and md5
>checksums, I was having problems building hash's of hash's with the
>module (Seems to only add the last one in a foreach loop to the XML.
>Gotta be me :)) and then with a quick glance at cpan I found
>XML::Dumper. I don't know if I'm the only one here who didn't know
>about this module but its Data::Dumper that outputs well formed xml.
>Two minutes to read the docs and make a quick test script and tada!
>Well formed xml files of my structures ready to be used. In under five
>additional lines of code.

How does the output compare to XML::Simple::XMLout() ?

Mike Wyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> || "Woof?" ||  Gaspode the Wonder Dog
Work:  +44 020 7594 8440||
Mobile: +44 07879 697119||  ICQ: 43922064

Re: Much Coolness XML Wise.

2001-01-09 Thread Greg McCarroll

* Simon Wistow ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > There are a few crypto modules on CPAN, although they all use C for the
> > hard work.  Whether they're available in PPMs for Activestate or not,
> > I don't know.
> I'm doing a pure WML script implementation of MD5 at the moment that'd
> be dead easy to port to Perl. Especially since Perl has things like
> arrays which I always find useful for this sort of thing, grumble,
> grumble, Wap rhymes with cr


Greg McCarroll

Re: Much Coolness XML Wise.

2001-01-09 Thread Simon Wistow

> There are a few crypto modules on CPAN, although they all use C for the
> hard work.  Whether they're available in PPMs for Activestate or not,
> I don't know.

I'm doing a pure WML script implementation of MD5 at the moment that'd
be dead easy to port to Perl. Especially since Perl has things like
arrays which I always find useful for this sort of thing, grumble,
grumble, Wap rhymes with cr

Re: Much Coolness XML Wise.

2001-01-08 Thread Benjamin Holzman

On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 07:06:28PM -, Dean S Wilson wrote:
> I've just spent three hours playing with XML::Generator and md5
> checksums, I was having problems building hash's of hash's with the
> module (Seems to only add the last one in a foreach loop to the XML.
> Gotta be me :)) and then with a quick glance at cpan I found
> XML::Dumper. I don't know if I'm the only one here who didn't know

XML::Dumper sounds like the right solution for your problem, but FWIW,
here's how I might do it with XML::Generator:

use XML::Generator;
my $gen = XML::Generator->new('conformance' => 'strict', 'escape' => 1);
sub gen { ref $_[0] eq "HASH"
? $gen->hash(map { $gen->key($_), $gen->value(gen($_[0]->{$_})) } 
keys %{$_[0]})
: $_[0] }
my $xml = gen({ hash => { of => "hashes" }});


Benjamin HolzmanECNvantage Corp.
Chief Technical Officer 295 Park Avenue S., Suite 7C
(212) 358-0436 : [EMAIL PROTECTED] New York, NY, 10010
$ perl -le 'print join $" ,reverse map ucfirst ,qw{ hacker perl another just}'

Re: Much Coolness XML Wise.

2001-01-08 Thread David Cantrell

On Mon, Jan 08, 2001 at 07:06:28PM -, Dean S Wilson wrote:

> PS Does anyone know of any decent resources for perl crypto? (Other
> than

Counterpane don't really have any perl stuff - or much crypto stuff :-)
although Schneier's monthly Cryptogram is worth subscribing too.

There are a few crypto modules on CPAN, although they all use C for the
hard work.  Whether they're available in PPMs for Activestate or not,
I don't know.

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |

  Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced