Hi Tony,

Thank you for your description. It helped me to learn more about your “rate 
limiting” algorithm.

Best Regards,
From: Tony Li [mailto:tony1ath...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of tony...@tony.li
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2019 4:08 PM
To: Huaimo Chen <huaimo.c...@huawei.com>
Cc: lsr@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [Lsr] Min Links for Multiple Failures on Flooding Topology

Hi Huaimo,

What is “the existing algorithm” that you have?
Is it the “rate limiting”? If so, can you describe the “rate limiting” 
algorithm in details?

Yes.  We haven’t described it very formally, so let me see if I can be more 

On each node, in parallel:
            On a topology change:
                        For each adjacency:
                                    Is there a path to the adjacent node via 
the flooding topology?
                                    If not, add it to a set of candidates.
                        While the set of candidates is not empty:
                                    Remove one candidate from the set.
                                    Temporarily add it to the flooding topology
                                    Delay (amount is implementation defined)
                                    If there has been another topology change:
                                                Clear the candidate set
                                                Restart the algorithm

Does this help?


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