Hi all,

This version reflects the discussion to date and the early allocation of code 

Sarah, Vivek, Gyan, & Tony

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: internet-dra...@ietf.org
> Subject: New Version Notification for draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy-04.txt
> Date: September 2, 2020 at 7:35:25 AM PDT
> To: "Tony Li" <tony...@tony.li>, "Gyan S. Mishra" 
> <gyan.s.mis...@verizon.com>, "Gyan Mishra" <gyan.s.mis...@verizon.com>, 
> "Vivek Ilangovan" <ilango...@arista.com>, "Sarah Chen" <sarahc...@arista.com>
> A new version of I-D, draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy-04.txt
> has been successfully submitted by Tony Li and posted to the
> IETF repository.
> Name:         draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy
> Revision:     04
> Title:                Area Proxy for IS-IS
> Document date:        2020-09-02
> Group:                lsr
> Pages:                20
> URL:            
> https://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy-04.txt
> Status:         
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy/
> Htmlized:       https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy-04
> Htmlized:       
> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy
> Diff:           
> https://www.ietf.org/rfcdiff?url2=draft-ietf-lsr-isis-area-proxy-04
> Abstract:
>   Link state routing protocols have hierarchical abstraction already
>   built into them.  However, when lower levels are used for transit,
>   they must expose their internal topologies to each other, leading to
>   scale issues.
>   To avoid this, this document discusses extensions to the IS-IS
>   routing protocol that would allow level 1 areas to provide transit,
>   yet only inject an abstraction of the level 1 topology into level 2.
>   Each level 1 area is represented as a single level 2 node, thereby
>   enabling greater scale.
> Please note that it may take a couple of minutes from the time of submission
> until the htmlized version and diff are available at tools.ietf.org.
> The IETF Secretariat

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