Hi all,

I've quickly read both drafts.
In general, I don't think that I have spent enough time on the subject to 
provide any feedback on the list, but I've been suggested that some feedback is 
better than none. So providing some feedback for what it worth (2 cents).

I think that the use case is valid and worth working on.

In general, I think that a single solution would be better than two or one per 
vendor. Especially since the design choice of using a set of standard routers 
in the area/clos (rather than a proprietary chassis or a proprietary switch 
matrix) is an indication that interoperability is seen as a benefit. Yet the 
outcomes of both solutions are different so maybe they may also be considered 
as independent.

I'm personally fine with the approach chosen in draft-li-lsr-isis-area-proxy, 
which seems a good fit for the use case.
I think that the document could better highlight, to the reader and especially 
to a casual network operator reader, that the use of one proxy LSP/node to 
represent all Inside Edge Router/whole introduces some tradeoff. IOW this is 
not magic/transparent. In particular I'm thinking of router capability TLV and 
more generally (new) TLV: when different inside (edge) nodes advertise 
different capabilities/TLV there is a difficulty in aggregating all for the 
proxy node/LSP. I appreciate that the authors have considered the Segment 
Routing (SR) case, but there are others, both past and future. For existing 
TLV/capabilities, maybe I would favor that the document define the behavior for 
all TLV/capability (along "you fix what you break"). I understand that this is 
a significant work and that different people may have different opinion. In 
particular I'm concerned when both primary and backup area leaders are from 
different implementations and switching from one to another would create a chang
 e in the characteristic of the proxy node, which could impact L2 routing (e.g. 
change in node admin tag). For future TLV/work, I think that the document 
should highlight that the behavior for proxy LSP need to be considered and 

I've read draft-przygienda-lsr-flood-reflection. It is well written and works.
Regarding flooding:
a) IMHO I'm a bit scared with L2 flooding over tunnel: during L1 IGP 
convergence IP packet may be dropped including L2 LSP over IP tunnels. I don't 
feel that IS-IS is so good today to recover from lost LSP, in term of time 
required. The use of a TCP/SCTP tunnel may help, in which case there would be 
the question of not also using TCP for P2P adjacency, in order to handle flow 
control and congestion control and improve flooding speed. [1] proposes a 
modest improvement on faster recovery of lost LSP but this is also an 
individual document and will not completely remove the issue.
b) the use of configured flood reflector in order to simplify the flooding 
topology may possibly be replaced by an existing flooding graph reduction e.g. 
[2] The properties are a bit different, such as the requirement for new feature 
on all nodes. However given the proposed L1 topology, we could also considerer 
that dynamic flooding would also be useful/used in L1. This would avoid the 
definition of another mechanism to reduce the flooding graph.

Regarding L2 topology:
a) the outcome and the scaling seem different between both drafts. Flood 
reflection keeps all L1/L2 edge nodes in the L2 topology. This allows for 
better description of those nodes capabilities in the L2 LSDB. However the gain 
in term of number of nodes/LSP in the LS2DB seem limited (only the spine nodes 
are hidden, while area proxy hide both spine and leaf nodes). So the main 
benefit seems to be related to flooding graph reduction rather than reduction 
of the L2 topology/LSDB. Yet we already have solution for reducing the flooding 
graph [2].
b) I think that the document should also discuss the TLV/capabilities 
advertised by the Flood Reflector in the L2 topology. In particular when 
Segment Routing is enabled.

[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-lsr-dynamic-flooding



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