Aloha All

There are a few events coming up that you may want to be aware of.

HOSEF Director Scott Belford has been participating in the Mozilla24 event
this weekend, and he has had the honor to be a part of the following

Presentation materials are available as are some very impressive firefox

If you are interested in learning about HOSEF's role in recycling
computers, come see us next weekend at the City's Discover Recycling Fair.
 In fact, if you have time and are want to be part of the fun, I could use
a little booth company Thursday, Friday, and/or Saturday.  Details are

Perhaps you would like to learn more about what other governments are
doing to integrate FOSS into their national IT infrastructure.  You may be
interested in learning what else we can be doing in Hawaii, other than
just talking, to encourage STEM (science, technology, engineering,
mathematics) growth in our schools and economy.  Join HOSEF Director Scott
Belford at The University of Hawaii's Outreach College on September 26 for
the following:

"Using Free and Open Source Software to Support Hawaii's Tech Future"

When it comes to building a vibrant economy fueled by innovation,
entrepreneurship, and technology, talk is cheap.  Every year our
government sends millions of your dollars off island to buy software
that adds no value to the services you expect.  Exporting these dollars
perpetuate mainland software monopolies while undermining the economic
goals our elected officials profess to hold so dearly.

This discussion will cover the history, the paradigm, and the highlights
of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).  Emphasis will be placed on the
critical role of Government, through policy and practice, to perpetuate
legislative initiatives by practicing what it preaches.  We will explore
various case studies where Governments have migrated to FOSS solutions.

Sep 26 • Wed • 7:00-9:00pm • Yukiyoshi Room, Krauss Hall 012 •
Free • Call 956-8244 for information

If you just want to have some fun, spend some time outside, and take part
in a great event at the State Capitol, then mark your calendar for Sunday,
October 7.  HOSEF and a few thousand other good people will be there, and
you are welcome to join us in our booth.


R. Scott Belford
Founder/Executive Director
The Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation
P.O. Box 2644
Ewa Beach, HI 96706
808.689.6518 phone/fax
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